The city is in the process of spending $8.7b to close Rikers Island & replace it and other jails with new borough-based facilities. But the new jails are not expected be ready until 2026. In the interim, the city needs to spend millions of dollars on major repairs of the jails destined for closure.
Reports on the City's State of Good Repair need and the agencies' planned spending to address this need. The program consolidates results of cyclical field surveys and estimates the Capital and Expense needs to keep major City owned facilities and infrastructure in a State of Good Repair.
April 2019 Executive Budget, Fiscal Year 2020 - Summarizes the major programs, priorities and objectives of the Executive Budget, capital priorities and initiatives, the general economic condition of the City and inter-governmental fiscal relations.
Ten-Year Capital Strategy - Fiscal Years 2020 - 2029 - It establishes long-range programmatic goals, setting forth priorities for the City to maintain its existing physical plant in a state of good repair, and allows for programmatic replacement of components and program expansion.
Released in each odd numbered year. It establishes long-range programmatic goals, setting forth priorities for the City to maintain its existing physical plant in a state of good repair, allows for programmatic replacement of components & program expansion.