This Citywide Statement of Needs FY 2025/2026 contains agency proposals to establish, replace, consolidate, expand, or close City facilities during the next two fiscal years.
New York City Mayor Eric Adams today unveiled the Downtown Brooklyn and Fort Greene “Eds and Meds” Framework, which will promote and guide the area’s economic recovery and continued inclusive growth as a vibrant, 24/7 neighborhood.
Can you imagine starting your day opening your cabinet at home and seeing a rat inside? You will think about that all day, if not all year. You'll never touch that cabinet again without reflecting on it. This is a quality of life issue and a health issue that we're going to tackle.
Soon as I communicated with her, I saw her dedication, her ability to just be innovative. Remember 10 years old, she was doing a petition on her block to say, "Let's get rid of rodents." I mean, she hates rats as much as I do for God's sake.
Well, I know that it deals with our quality of life. Pat, just take a personal approach to this, you wake up in the morning, you open your cabinet, and you see a rodent jump out of that cabinet, or you step into your shoes and a rodent is inside. You are going to think about that all day.
I was really impressed when I read that at 10-years-old she was doing a petition on her block to deal with rat mitigation and rodent mitigation on her block. And then when I looked at her educational standards, biology degree, in the Dept. of Education how she was able to bring down the rat problems
Can you imagine starting your day opening your cabinet at home and seeing a rat inside? You will think about that all day, if not all year. You'll never touch that cabinet again without reflecting on it. This is a quality of life issue and a health issue that we're going to tackle.
New York City Mayor Eric Adams today appointed Kathleen Corradi as the city’s first-ever citywide director of rodent mitigation, also known as the ‘rat czar. Mayor Adams also announced the new Harlem Rat Mitigation Zone and a $3.5 million investment starting in Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23).
Thank you so much, deputy mayor, and the entire team, and our Council persons that are here in Harlem, where we are rolling out a $3.5 million initiative on the rat mitigation zone to add with some of the other rat mitigation zones.
Thank you so much, deputy mayor, and the entire team, and our Council persons that are here in Harlem, where we are rolling out a $3.5 million initiative on the rat mitigation zone to add with some of the other rat mitigation zones.