Jocelyn E. Strauber, The Commissioner of the New York City Department of Investigation (“DOI”), released a Report today on the misuse of annual and sick leave by the Board of Elections (“BOE”) in the City of New York involving its former General Counsel Steven H. Richman.
Language access implementation plan update, describing how language access services are provided to ensure meaningful access to information and direct public services, based on changes in the TLC’s service population/services.
A report indicating whether a smoke detector or alarm was found at the location of any fire in which there was a civilian fire fatality during the preceding calendar year.
A quarterly report on EDC’s expenditure, as well as, retention or designation of persons or organizations to engage in lobbying or lobbying activities before the council or any member thereof, the city planning commission, a borough president, a borough board or a community board.
Report on the use of smoke alarms at any fires in which there was a fire related death or life-threatening injury and the existence of fire sprinklers at any fire greater than a first alarm fire.
Pursuant to Local Laws 60 and 64 of 2017, the EJNYC Report studies environmental burdens affecting communities of color and low-income communities and disparities in environmental benefits. The report also looks at how City processes meaningfully involve key stakeholders.
Revisions to the New York City Department of Transportation standard highway specifications 5/16/22. Section 2.10(Attachments) - Replace the revised section in Attachment 1.
This audit identified areas in which DPR could improve its oversight of its recreation centers to help ensure that equipment is maintained in satisfactory condition.