The NYC Domestic Violence Fatality Review Committee (FRC) was established through Local Law 61, in June 2005. Annually, the FRC reviews and analyzes domestic-related homicide data to gain an understanding of the circumstances surrounding the occurrence of these crimes.
As part of IBO’s annual release of New York City Residents personal income tax data IBO is publishing both an estimate of who will be impacted by the recently proposed “Axe the Tax” credit and highlights of trends in personal income tax more broadly. The most recent data is from calendar year 2022.
A quarterly report on EDC’s expenditure, as well as, retention or designation of persons or organizations to engage in lobbying or lobbying activities before the council or any member thereof, the city planning commission, a borough president, a borough board or a community board.
Local Law 169 of 2023 (LL169) requires the Mayor’s Office of Contract Services (MOCS) to complete a study and issue a report with recommended time frames for each step of the procurement process for human service contracts.
A lack of focus and commitment from the Adams Administration to reform the City’s procurement processes has exacerbated both the registration and payment delays that create worsening challenges for the City’s many honest contracting partners; and the risks of corruption, fraud, and abuse.
This fact sheet represents a range of statistics and information about the Latine population in New York State and New York City. The Latine community in New York State and New York City is a multi-racial and multi-ethnic group hailing from all across the world.
The Permitting and Licensing report is submitted pursuant to Local Law 47 of 2016. This report covers the period from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023. The report includes the number of applications for licenses, permits or registrations received by the health department.