No later than October 1, 2007, the commissioner shall complete a watershed protection plan for the watershed/sewershed of Jamaica Bay, which shall include measures the city can implement to help protect Jamaica bay. No later than October 1, 2006, the commissioner shall complete an interim report on the preparation of the watershed protection plan. No later than March 1, 2007, the commissioner shall complete a draft of the watershed protection plan. The commissioner shall submit to the mayor and the speaker of the council the watershed protection plan, draft of such plan and interim report, or any revised plan, no later than five business days after its completion. The watershed protection plan shall be reviewed and revised as necessary no less often than once every two years. No later than October 1, 2008, and no later than October 1 of every second year thereafter, the commissioner shall submit a report to the mayor and the speaker of the council on the implementation status of the measures included in the watershed protection plan.
Report on performance indicators reported to the department by any entity providing such services; a description of the methodology used in measuring such performance; the metrics utilized to determine whether such performance measures meet targets established by the department and any entity providing such services; The Five-Year Plan shall be reviewed and updated by the commissioner each year, and the updated version thereof shall be submitted to the speaker of the city council not later than October first of each year. In the fifth year covered by each such Five-Year Plan, the commissioner shall submit a Five-Year Plan to Relieve Homelessness for the next succeeding five-year period not later than six months prior to the last day of such fifth year to the speaker of the city council.
A report of alleged incidents of sexual abuse, sexual harassment and interventions against visitors by staff that occurred during the preceding six month period for which an investigation lasted longer than 90 days, with required information for each allegation of sexual abuse, sexual harassment and intervention.
A report of alleged incidents of sexual abuse and sexual harassment for which an investigation lasted longer than 90 days that occurred during the preceding six-month period
The commissioner shall post a report every 60 days, on the department of correction website, setting forth the number of city jail inmates who have been found guilty of violating departmental rules but have yet to be placed in punitive segregation, restrictive housing or a clinical alternative to punitive segregation housing, or any successor to such housing units, disaggregated by inmates
with designations at the end of their book and case numbers, indicating that the inmates are known to mental health staff, and inmates without designations. Such report shall state the number of inmates awaiting placement in any such housing unit categorized by the length of time such inmates have been awaiting placement in the following categories: 1-5 days, 6-15 days, 16-30 days, 31-60 days, and 61 days or longer.
Report summarizing its activity during the previous fiscal year and detailing recommendations for improving service delivery and coordination, reducing duplication and fragmentation and facilitating the more efficient use of existing resources. Such report shall also include an annual breakdown of member agencies' allocations for services to youth and the number of youth served, an annual comprehensive youth services needs assessment, and a two-year proposed agenda consisting of specific issues that the interagency coordinating council plans to address during the current and subsequent fiscal years.
Report on student attendance for periods of time during which remote learning was used by the department for the month occurring 2 months prior to the month of the report, including the attendance rate of students who participated in (i) full-time remote learning instruction and (ii) blended learning