New York City Board of Correction Weekly COVID-19 Updates including population changes, Correctional Health Services (CHS) and Department of Correction (DOC) updates to the Board of Correction (BOC), and housing information.
List of Reports created by City Agencies to be submitted to the Government Publication Portal. Report lists each mayoral agency and the reports they generate. This report identifies the frequency each report is produced, i.e. as needed, weekly, monthly, annual, semi-annual, bi-annual etc.
As required by LL 104/2023, Committee meeting report from the City Council on biographical information and/or background information on persons or entities for whom a street, park, playground, facility or structure, or portion thereof, was renamed or conamed by any bill enacted after January 1, 1990
DSNY adopted final rules in November 2021 regarding customer service and operations requirements of awardees under the Commercial Waste Zones program. DSNY held a hearing on January 26, 2021, and the comment period closed on February 9, 2021.
Pursuant to Local Law 84 of 2015, the following data represents the number of incarcerated individuals who were awaiting transfer to the custody of the New York State Department of Health, New York State Office of Mental Health, and the New York State Office for People
These Final Snow Plans detail DSNY's preparedness and response for possible snow events, inclusive of the criteria set forth under Local Law 28, as well as updates specific to streetscape changes and outdoor dining for the 2020-2021 winter season.