A report indicating whether a smoke detector or alarm was found at the location of any fire in which there was a civilian fire fatality during the preceding calendar year.
Annual fair and effective affirmative employment plan to provide equal employment opportunity for minority group members and women who are employed by (or who seek employment with) the agency.
Report on the use of smoke alarms at any fires in which there was a fire related death or life-threatening injury and the existence of fire sprinklers at any fire greater than a first alarm fire.
Report on the use of smoke alarms at any fires in which there was a fire related death or life-threatening injury and the existence of fire sprinklers at any fire greater than a first alarm fire.
Report on the use of smoke alarms at any fires in which there was a fire related death or life-threatening injury and the existence of fire sprinklers at any fire greater than a first alarm fire
A report indicating whether a smoke detector or alarm was found at the location of any fire in which there was a civilian fire fatality during the preceding calendar year. If a smoke detector or alarm was found, such report shall indicate the technology used by such smoke detector or alarm and whether such smoke detector or alarm was operational, provided that such information can be ascertained. Such report may also include any other information relevant in determining the role of smoke detectors or alarms in any civilian fire fatality.
Report including (1) the number of opioid antagonists available; (2) the number of staff trained to administer; (3) the number of instances during the quarter it was administered; and (4) the number of instances in which the patient responded to the administration of an opioid antagonist.
Report including (1) the number of opioid antagonists available; (2) the number of staff trained to administer; (3) the number of instances during the quarter it was administered; and (4) the number of instances in which the patient responded to the administration of an opioid antagonist.
Annual FDNY Admissions Demographics Report includes the demographics of applicants at every step of the application process: recruitment, admission to take the written exam, admission to take the physical exam, admission to the FDNY academy training and graduation from the academy.
Report on the department's efforts to recruit and retain candidates for the firefighter civil service examination and promotion to firefighter civil service examination, such as through training and mentorship programs, recruitment events, and preparatory materials.