Annual Report of Senior Centers in the City of New York. Report includes metrics on services and activities provided by senior centers across the five boroughs for fiscal year 2021.
NYC Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH)
and NYC Department for the Aging present a new training
program for service providers on how they can assist older
adults who receive civil summonses.
The New York City Department for the Aging (DFTA) conducted a survey of unpaid caregivers in New York City. The purpose of the survey was to examine the extent to which unpaid caregivers’ needs are met by existing services and to identify areas for improvement.
Covering a 6-month period, this report contains the total number of referrals received by APS, the number of referred individuals who were determined ineligible during the same period, and the reasons individuals were determined ineligible, a general description of the source of the referrals.
IN THE MATTER OF an application submitted by Bedford Carp Realty III, LLC pursuant to
Sections 197-c and 201 of the New York City Charter for the grant of a special permit pursuant
to Section 106-32(a) of the Zoning Resolution to allow a commercial use (Use Group 16 use) not
permitted by the etc.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
Report provides an overview of the department’s activities with respect to supplemental nutrition assistance enrollment and recertification for seniors.
Covering a 6-month period, this report contains the total number of referrals received by APS, the number of referred individuals who were determined ineligible during the same period, and the reasons individuals were determined ineligible, a general description of the source of the referrals.
Annual Report of Senior Centers in the City of New York. Report includes metrics on services and activities provided by senior centers across the five boroughs.