This letter details comments from William F. Marquardt, III, regarding the Proposed Rules Governing the Distribution of Advertisements on Private Property. Marquardt addresses the problems with the rules, stating that the major problem is the shift of responsibility for enforcement from the Department of Sanitation to the property owner.
This document depicts the Citizen Complaint Form that citizens can file in response to the Department of Sanitation's Lawn Litter Program. This is specifically for citizens that are the legal owners of multiple family dwellings.
These recycling flyers, created by the Department of Sanitation for the City of New York, aim to teach citizens how to properly recycle. The flyers depict the appropriate items that fall under the mixed paper & cardboard category and the bottles, cans & foil category.
This booklet, issued by the Department of Sanitation (DSNY), informs citizens of their legal responsibilities to keep New York City clean. This digest summarizes existing laws and regulations, as well new editions, of DSNY policy and outlines the requirements and steps of certain procedures, such as recycling.
This brochure details the steps and maintenance of indoor composting with a worm bin. Indoor composting allows citizens to recycle their food scraps into a plant fertilizer and soil amendment called vermicompost. This is most helpful to people who don't have access to an outdoor composting area, like those living in an apartment.
This letter details a complaint from Rosanne Rosano, who resides at Kew Gardens, regarding the Proposed Rules Governing the Distribution of Advertisements of Private Property. She addresses unreasonable laws that are not adequately enforced.
This letter details comments from Frank Padavan, Senator of the 11th District, and Mark Weprin, member of Assembly District 24, regarding the Proposed Rules Governing the Distribution of Advertisements on Private Property. They address unwanted fliers left on lawns and the overcomplication of filing a complaint.
This document details the transcript from the public hearing on the Proposed Rules Governing the Distribution of Advertisements on Private Property. Citizens had the opportunity to comment and share their thoughts on these rules.
This document depicts the sign that is to be placed in a visible location on private property, in accordance with the Department of Sanitation's Lawn Litter law.
This document details the Department of Sanitation's Lawn Litter Program, which requires a sign to be placed in a visible location on private property. It also details how citizens can share their thoughts by filling out a citizen complaint form.