A campaign to remind New Yorkers, especially those hailing from Muslim communities, that the City is committed to protecting the rights of all New Yorkers where they live, work and shop, and also offers a variety of services to those in need, regardless of immigration status or ethnicity.
The campaign advertisements highlight the over-the-top approach used by dealerships such as their eye-catching low prices and assurances about financing despite your credit scores to help New Yorkers avoid a bad deal at a used car dealership.
Campaign to remind employers and workers in NYC on the rate schedule for minimum wages. DCWP visited businesses in all five boroughs to educate businesses about the upcoming increase in the state minimum wage.
The City’s campaign educates users and potential users about the harms of using K2 and dispel the many myths surrounding the marketing of K2 as legal and safe.
A campaign aimed to provide employers with information and resources to help them establish a commuter benefits program and to educate both employers and employees about the law and how it will save both of them money.
DCWP enforces the City law where certain businesses are prohibited from leaving store doors open while air conditioners or central cooling systems are running. The campaign lets store owners know that they can protect the environment and save money – simply by shutting the front door.
Pursuant to Local Law 50 of 2011, these guidelines shall apply to any solicitation
valued at more than $100,000 for food or food-related services (e.g., catering), and to
any solicitation for social services through which more than $100,000 of food would
be purchased annually.