The New York City Department for the Aging (DFTA) announces the launch of a six-part online training series to assist community-based organizations in responding to request for proposals (RFPs).
The NYC Internet Master Plan frames the City’s goals for the next generation of internet technology, identifies the partnerships and infrastructure required, and sets a course for closing the digital divide, catalyzing economic expansion, and improving public service delivery in New York City.
Pursuant to LL 25/2010, a report from the Taxi and Limousine Commission on fare complaints (Medallion & For-Hire Vehicle) and top 10 violations dis-aggregated by precinct.
Local Law 4/2012 requires HPD to maintain on its website monthly reports of foreclosure notices which can be viewed by the general public. These reports are lists of all properties of twenty or more units of which a notice of foreclosure has been submitted to HPD including pending foreclosures.
This report provides an overview of the Waterfront Management Advisory Board’s (WMAB) meetings in 2019. The WMAB advises the City on matters related to the waterfront and waterways and guides the Department of City Planning (DCP) on the development of the Comprehensive Waterfront Plan.
Report on the number of closings made in the previous year, the locations of such closings, and the nature and use of the premises closed, as well as any premises reopened pursuant to his or her permission
As per Local Law 215/2018, New York City Administrative Code, Title 31, Section 106(f), the New York City Department of Veterans' Services is required to submit a report in machine-readable format regarding the operation of the Veteran Resource Centers (VRCs) on a bi-annual basis.
Annual report containing fire investigation analysis conducted by the FDNY Bureau of Fire Investigation, including: Fire cause analysis; civilian fire fatalities; civilian fire injuries; arrest report.
On August 31, 2016, Mayor de Blasio signed Local Law 102 of 2016 requiring a designated agency to review requests and to develop a list of ‐ at minimum ‐ three neighborhoods where interagency collaboration, or a “neighborhood support team,” would address quality of life issues.