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Consolidated Plan 2016 Addendum: HOME Investment Partnerships Program Public Comment

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Amended Public Comment Version.The Consolidated Plan One-Year Action Plan is the City of New York's annual application to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the four Office of Community Planning and Development entitlement programs: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), respectively. The addendum to the 2016 Consolidated Plan Action Plan amends the previous Action Plan to add a new program - HOME Tenant-Based Rental Assistance Program (HOME TBRA). Funding for the new program is reallocated from a portion of the City's 2016 HOME-funded Supportive Housing Program (SHP). In addition to reflecting the reallocation of funds, the amendment also revises the proposed accomplishments for the existing SHP. The addendum consists of one volume containing the specific portions of the Plan impacted by the revisions to the HOME Investment Partnerships Program. The document was released for its federally required 30-day public comment period on October 12, 2016 and ends on November 10, 2016.

Report type
  • Report
Date published
  • 2016-10-12
