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NYC Government Publication


Press Releases (21-20, 23-20 - 28-20)

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Press releases are designed to inform the public of an upcoming/ongoing emergency or special event. Some emergencies include coastal storms, winter weather and extreme heat. Releases also highlight special events including Ready New York presentations and other community preparedness initiatives.

Sub title
  • 26-20 NYC Emergency Management and the Health Department Advise New Yorkers to Beat the Heat
  • 21-20 NYC Emergency Management's Latest 'Prep Talk' Podcast - Helping Communities During the Pandemic
  • 27-20 NYC Cooling Centers and Cool It! NYC Initiatives Available on Tuesday
  • 23-20 NYC Emergency Management Advises New Yorkers to Prepare for Potential Effects of Tropical Storm Fay
  • 24-20 NYC Emergency Management and the Health Department Advises New Yorkers to Prepare for Extreme Heat
  • 25-20 NYC Emergency Management and the Health Department Advise New Yorkers to Beat the Heat
  • 28-20 NYC Emergency Management's Latest 'Prep Talk' Podcast - Preparing for Coastal Storm Season During the Pandemic
Report type
  • Press Releases
Date published
  • 2020-07-01
Calendar year
  • 2020
Required Report Name
  • Not Required