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Follow-up Audit Report on the Department of Homeless Services Controls Over Computer Equipment (7F07-078)

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A follow-up audit report was filed on January 31, 2008 on the Department of Homeless Services (DHS) controls over computer equipment. This follow-up audit determined whether DHS implemented the three recommendations made in the previous audit (Audit No. FL03-131A, June 30, 2003). It was determined that of the three recommendations made previously, DHS has implemented two and only partially implemented the third. Major weaknesses still exist in the DHS inventory-management process. Significant delays were detected in updating and maintaining current inventory records in Asset Tracker, as well as inconsisitencies in following inventory management and control procedures over computer equipment. Recommendations were made to rectify these issues.

Report type
  • Audit Report
Date published
  • 2008-01-31