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Proposed 2012 Consolidated Plan Annual Performance Report - Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) Statement

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Submission Version. This document is a seven part document mandated by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for municipalities which receive formula/entitlement program funds to stating they affirmatively further fair housing choice and have conducted a five-year analysis of impediments to fair housing choice. The Statement contains New York City's analysis of impediments to fair housing choice within its neighborhoods. It represents New York City's five-year fair housing statement for Consolidated Plan Years 2012-2016 and discusses the actions taken by the City to affirmatively further fair housing including an analysis of impediments to fair housing choice and the activities undertaken to overcome the impediments. In addition, the Five-Year AFFH is provided to assist New York City's Departments and public housing authorities, and not-for-profit organizations identify how their proposed projects address and promote fair housing choice when applying for HUD competitive grant program funds under the SuperNOFA (Notice of Funding Availability) Process. The Statement contains: the Community and Housing Profile; Evaluation of The City's Current Fair Housing Legal Status; Identification of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice; Assessment of Current Public and Private Fair Housing Programs and Activities in the Jurisdiction; Summation of New York City Fair Housing Activities to Promote Fair Housing Choice; and, Summary of Citizens Comments Regarding Impediments to Fair Housing Choice in the City's Neighborhoods. The public comment period was from June 21, 2013 to July 5, 2013. The document was submitted to HUD on July 12, 2013.

Report type
  • Report
Date published
  • 2013-06-12
