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Review of the Background Screening Process of New Recruits

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The general goals of this study were to determine the adequacy of the Department's screening process and whether the Applicant Processing Division (APD) was following its own guidelines. Additionally, the Commission sought to determine if certain types of negative information discovered during background checks were indicators of future misconduct. Those candidates who demonstrated dishonesty, violent behavior, or a history of disregarding authority figures and/or the law might be more likely to engage in corrupt activities in the future. Since a history of dishonest or other corrupt behavior may not be readily apparent, thorough background investigations into core areas that include the candidate's reputation in the community, academic records, disciplinary records from schools and prior jobs, military records, and criminal history, if any, are a necessity. The Commission found APD's system of conducting background checks could be improved.

Report type
  • Report
Date published
  • 2005-02-28
