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Follow-Up Audit Report on the Use of Procurement Cards by the Department of Parks and Recreation (FS09-107F)

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A follow-up audit report was filed on May 29, 2009 on the use of procurement cards by the Department of Parks and Recreation (Parks). This follow-up audit determined whether Parks has implemented the 13 recommendations made in a previous audit (MH05-126A). The previous audit evaluated whether Parks has adequate controls over the use of procurement cards (p-cards) and follows guidelines set forth in Comptroller's Memorandum #01-1. It was determined that of the 13 recommendations made in the previous audit, Parks implemented seven, partially implemented four, and did not implement two. While a stricter and more responsible system for the use of p-cards was implemented, Parks still had issues regarding inventory records and documentation for reports and purchases. Recommendations were made to rectify these issues.

Report type
  • Audit Report
Date published
  • 2009-05-29