Pursuant to New York City Administrative Code 6-129(g)1, the following document has been submitted to the NYC Council Speaker. Each mayoral agency which has made eligible procurements in excess of $5MM during the preceding fiscal year is required to develop and submit an Agency Utilization Plan
Pursuant to New York City Administrative Code 6-129(g)1, the following document has been submitted to the NYC Council Speaker. Each mayoral agency which has made eligible procurements in excess of $5MM during the preceding fiscal year is required to develop and submit an Agency Utilization Plan
On behalf of the Department of Small Business Services and the Mayor’s Office of Contract Services, please find attached report for compliance information pursuant to Local Law 1 of 2013. This report covers the first, second and third quarters of Fiscal Year 2021 (July 1, 2020 – March 31, 202
This report presents findings from an analysis of primary program data collected by WE NYC, which includes self-reported data from more than 14,000 program participants and covered the period from January 2016 through June 2020.
This report describes the City’s efforts to ensure minority and women-owned businesses have greater access to public contracting opportunities. The reporting period covers program accomplishments for the first quarter of Fiscal Year 2022 (July 1, 2021 – September 30, 2021).
Annual fair and effective affirmative employment plan to provide equal employment opportunity for minority group members and women who are employed by, or who seek employment with the agency
Annual fair and effective affirmative employment plan to provide equal employment opportunity for minority group members and women who are employed by, or who seek employment with the agency
Public Design Commission created Women-Designed NYC, a publication that focuses on women-led projects awarded by the Public Design Commission over the past ten years.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.
The Mayor's Press Office releases information about notable events and actions taken by the Mayor, as well as transcripts of all media conferences, radio shows, and ceremonies that the Mayor attends.