This report is submitted as required by §168.f of the NYC Charter. The NYC Tax Appeals Tribunal has jurisdiction over petitions filed by taxpayers protesting statutory notices issued by the Dep. of Finance for all non-property income and excise taxes and annual vault charges administered by NYC
Overall report on market values by tax class and borough, exemptions, assessed values, home sales, tax delinquency, market values, real property, school tax rates, etc.
Hotel Order #48 establishes the lease guidelines for rent stabilized Class A hotels, Class B hotels, lodging rooms and SROs effective between October 1, 2018 and September 30, 2019
This report contains information about the Tax Commission and its mission, functions, operations and resources, an overview of the agency's performance, and statistical profiles of its determinations during calendar year 2020. This includes its accomplishments and improvements dur the year.
The 2023 Tax Commission Annual Report contains information about the Tax Commission and its mission, functions, operations and resources, an overview of the agency's performance, and statistical profiles related to determination made during calendar year 2023.
Market value grew in FY 2019, for the eighth straight year. The total City-wide market value of fully and partially taxable property exceeded $1.2 trillion dollars and was about 8.8 percent higher than in FY 2018.
Overall report on market values by tax class and borough, exemptions, assessed values, home sales, tax delinquency, market values, real property, school tax rates, etc.
This report, mandated by the New York City Charter, identifies and describes tax expenditure programs related to taxes administered by the City and provides tax expenditure estimates based on available data.
The 2018 Housing Supply Report examines changes in the overall supply of housing in NYC during the prior year, looking at factors that include the number of permits issued for new dwelling units and the number of completed housing units.
The 2018 Income & Expense Study analyzes the cost of operating and maintaining rental housing, examining the conditions that existed in NY’s rent stabilized housing market in 2015, the year for which the most recent data is available, and also the extent by which these conditions changed from 2014.
This Study reports on housing affordability and tenant income in New York City’s rental market. The study highlights year-to-year changes in many of the major economic factors affecting New York City’s tenant population and takes into consideration a broad range of market forces and public policies.
The 2018 Price Index of Operating Costs (PIOC) study measures the price change in a market basket of goods and services used in the operation and maintenance of rent stabilized apartment buildings in New York City.
The 2019 Income & Expense Study analyzes the cost of operating and maintaining rental housing, examining the conditions that existed in NYC’s rent stabilized housing market in 2017, the year for which the most recent data is available, and also the extent by which these conditions changed from 2016
The 2019 Price Index of Operating Costs (PIOC) study measures the price change in a market basket of goods and services used in the operation and maintenance of rent stabilized apartment buildings in NYC.
Apartment/Loft Order #50 establishes the lease guidelines for rent stabilized apartments and lofts effective between October 1, 2018 and September 30, 2019
he New York City (the City) Department of Finance (DOF) is responsible for administering the City’s tax and revenue laws. For Fiscal Year 2018, it reported collecting approximately $39 billion in revenue and valued more than one million properties worth a total market value of more than $1 trillion
APPLICANT - Rampulla Ass Arch, for Anthony Vasaturo, owner; MS Fitness, LLC, lessee. App Feb 19, 2014 - Spec Perm to allow the oper of phys culture estmt (Club Metro USA) in existing bldg. Amdt of a prev approved var to permit chg of use fr banquet hall, red bldg size, retain acc pking in resl dist.