Information relating to the use of punitive segregation, restricted housing and clinical alternative to punitive segregation housing in city jails for the previous quarter. With Health and Mental Hygiene, Department of (DOHMH)
This report describes the findings of the root cause analysis committee, including the identification of root causes for the event and recommendations to address the identified causal factors.
Emergency Executive Order No. 685, is being submitted to extend Emergency Executive Order No. 682, dated October 30, 2024; for five (5) days, as it relates to Local Law 42/DOC.
Report on numbers and types of violations and camera violations issued, dollar amounts of fines issued and paid, hearings held, time elapsed between hearing requested and held, numbers of fines denied and appeals, numbers of dismissed appeals, and information on fines reduced by waiver of right to appeal.
Report including data on the total number of court production videos stored in the department’s database, the total number of court production videos provided to defense counsel pursuant to subdivision e, and including the number of scheduled court appearances for incarcerated individuals in a court facility, as well as virtual court appearances
Emergency Executive Order No. 682, is being submitted to extend Emergency Executive Order No. 679, dated October 25, 2024; for five (5) days, as it relates to Local Law 42/DOC.
Section 23-1202 of the New York City Ad. Code requires the Chief Privacy Officer to submit a quarterly report to the Speaker of the City Council containing an anonymized summary of certain collections and disclosures of identifying information by City agencies.
List of properties with 20 or more units identified by block and lot number with identity of mortgagee plaintiffs for which notice has been provided under 27-2109.1(a)
Emergency Executive Order No. 679, is being submitted to extend Emergency Executive Order No. 676, dated October 20, 2024, for five (5) days, as it relates to Local Law 42.
A quarterly report on EDC’s expenditure, as well as, retention or designation of persons or organizations to engage in lobbying or lobbying activities before the council or any member thereof, the city planning commission, a borough president, a borough board or a community board.
Aggregate report on non-production of inmates for medical appointments and including an aggregate count of reasons for production refusal or walkout, if given, and the facility.
Under this item negotiations are needed with the railroad to obtain a permit to enter railroad property and comply with all relevant railroad work and financial requirements.
Under this item there are negotiations with the railroad to obtain a permit to enter railroad property and comply with all relevant railroad work and financial requirements.
Emergency Executive Order No. 676, is being submitted to extend Emergency Executive Order No. 673, dated October 15, 2024; for five (5) days as it relates to Local Law 42.
Report by commissioner of correction on implementation of sections 9-127 (housing, employment and sobriety needs) and 9-128 (applications for government benefits) and other discharge planning efforts; beginning October 1, 2008, also on recidivism among inmates receiving discharge planning services from the department of correction or any social services organization under contract with that department
Report on implementation of sections 9-127 and 9-128 of this title and other discharge planning efforts, and regarding recidivism among inmates receiving discharge planning services from the department of correction or any social services organization under contract with the department of correction.
No later than October 1, 2007, the commissioner shall complete a watershed protection plan for the watershed/sewershed of Jamaica Bay, which shall include measures the city can implement to help protect Jamaica bay. No later than October 1, 2006, the commissioner shall complete an interim report on the preparation of the watershed protection plan. No later than March 1, 2007, the commissioner shall complete a draft of the watershed protection plan. The commissioner shall submit to the mayor and the speaker of the council the watershed protection plan, draft of such plan and interim report, or any revised plan, no later than five business days after its completion. The watershed protection plan shall be reviewed and revised as necessary no less often than once every two years. No later than October 1, 2008, and no later than October 1 of every second year thereafter, the commissioner shall submit a report to the mayor and the speaker of the council on the implementation status of the measures included in the watershed protection plan.
Report on performance indicators reported to the department by any entity providing such services; a description of the methodology used in measuring such performance; the metrics utilized to determine whether such performance measures meet targets established by the department and any entity providing such services; The Five-Year Plan shall be reviewed and updated by the commissioner each year, and the updated version thereof shall be submitted to the speaker of the city council not later than October first of each year. In the fifth year covered by each such Five-Year Plan, the commissioner shall submit a Five-Year Plan to Relieve Homelessness for the next succeeding five-year period not later than six months prior to the last day of such fifth year to the speaker of the city council.
A report of alleged incidents of sexual abuse, sexual harassment and interventions against visitors by staff that occurred during the preceding six month period for which an investigation lasted longer than 90 days, with required information for each allegation of sexual abuse, sexual harassment and intervention.
A report of alleged incidents of sexual abuse and sexual harassment for which an investigation lasted longer than 90 days that occurred during the preceding six-month period
The commissioner shall post a report every 60 days, on the department of correction website, setting forth the number of city jail inmates who have been found guilty of violating departmental rules but have yet to be placed in punitive segregation, restrictive housing or a clinical alternative to punitive segregation housing, or any successor to such housing units, disaggregated by inmates
with designations at the end of their book and case numbers, indicating that the inmates are known to mental health staff, and inmates without designations. Such report shall state the number of inmates awaiting placement in any such housing unit categorized by the length of time such inmates have been awaiting placement in the following categories: 1-5 days, 6-15 days, 16-30 days, 31-60 days, and 61 days or longer.
Report summarizing its activity during the previous fiscal year and detailing recommendations for improving service delivery and coordination, reducing duplication and fragmentation and facilitating the more efficient use of existing resources. Such report shall also include an annual breakdown of member agencies' allocations for services to youth and the number of youth served, an annual comprehensive youth services needs assessment, and a two-year proposed agenda consisting of specific issues that the interagency coordinating council plans to address during the current and subsequent fiscal years.
Report on student attendance for periods of time during which remote learning was used by the department for the month occurring 2 months prior to the month of the report, including the attendance rate of students who participated in (i) full-time remote learning instruction and (ii) blended learning
This report includes information about its worker protection activity. Annual reports include metrics about complaints received under each worker protection law, enforcement actions opened and closed, and restitution collected for workers.
Information on inquiries received by the commission from the public, complaints filed with the commission, information and outreach efforts. For the annual report for 2024, report should include results of 2 year survey on age discrimination in the workplace.
A report on the duties herein mentioned, including, but not limited to, the cost of savings effectuated by the department during the preceding fiscal year. This report shall further include an evaluation of compliance with the requirements of subdivision a of section 1133 of the charter
Report including information regarding the implementation of the commercial waste zone program for each month during the previous fiscal year, disaggregated by zone and further disaggregated by awardee
Report on the redesign of the city truck route network, with the reasons for any proposed changes, consideration of existing freight origin and destination patterns, including major truck traffic generators, current industry trends in freight, logistics, and deliveries, and recommendations for improving truck routes
Report including reports on complaints and enforcement in fair work practices, paid care workers, paid safe and sick leave, mass transit benefits and freelance work.
Report including numbers of departmental infractions issued to adolescents at DOE site, number of students prevented from attending education because of incidents, numbers of use of force incidents and more
Report including a. For each housing development project that received city financial assistance in the preceding fiscal year, (i) the number of dwelling units offered for rent that are subject to a regulatory agreement requiring that occupancy of such units be restricted based on the income of the occupants, (ii) the number of such units set aside for homeless individuals and families and (iii) whether such housing development project is a supportive housing project; and b. For each housing preservation project that received city financial assistance in the preceding fiscal year, (i) the number of dwelling units offered for rent that are subject to a regulatory agreement requiring that occupancy of such units be restricted based on the income of the occupants, (ii) the number of such units set aside for homeless individuals and families and (iii) whether such housing preservation project is a supportive housing project.
Traffic-related data: (1) the number of moving violation summonses issued, disaggregated by type of summons; (2) the number of traffic crashes, disaggregated by (i) the type of vehicle or vehicles involved and (ii) the number of motorists and/or injured passengers, bicyclists and pedestrians involved; and (3) the number of traffic-related fatalities and injuries disaggregated by (i) the number of motorists and/or injured passengers, bicyclists and pedestrians involved; and (ii) the apparent human contributing factor or factors involved in the crash, including, but not limited to alcohol, driver inattention/distraction, speeding, failure to yield and use of cell phones or other mobile devices
Report regarding the collection, retention, and disclosure of identifying information by such agency and any contractors or subcontractors utilized by such agency
Reports on licenses, permits and registrations, including those granted, those denied on the basis of unpaid civil penalties, and total numbers applied for, suspended, terminated or revoked
Report including 1. All school-level budget allocations for each school; and 2. The calculated fair student funding formula for each school, and the percentage of such calculated fair student funding formula result that each school is actually allocated
Report on total number for preceding year of EMS transports and the number of EMS transports performed because of a student's psychological/emotional condition
Report on the most recent fiscal year data available on vaccination rates for New York city residents for the human papillomavirus, disaggregated by the gender of the recipient, and by age group, series initiation, and series completion
Report on the most recent calendar year data available regarding maternal mortality in New York City, to the extent such data is made available to the department, including specific information detailed in Section 199.3 as amended by LL 188/2018 such as updates to prior recommendations
Project description required to be submitted to the speaker where the project receives financial assistance but the project is not required to be submitted for consideration to a Community Board, Borough Board or the City Council
Report including (1) the number of opioid antagonists available; (2) the number of staff trained to administer; (3) the number of instances during the quarter it was administered; and (4) the number of instances in which the patient responded to the administration of an opioid antagonist.
Emergency Executive Order No. 673, is being submitted to extend Emergency Executive Order No. 670, dated October 10, 2024, for five (5) days, if this relates to Local Law 42.
Emergency Executive Order No. 670, is being submitted to extend Emergency Executive Order No. 667, dated October 5, 2024, for five (5) days, if this relates to Local Law 42.
To all Trade Waste Licensees: New York City Business Integrity Commission’s rules state that “[a] licensee must comply with the service and other terms set forth in the written contract or oral agreement with the customer including the agreed-upon frequency and schedule for the collection of waste.
Identifying Information Law biennial agency report related to collection, retention, and disclosure of identifying information and privacy protection practices.
Emergency Executive Order No. 667 is being submitted to extend Emergency Executive Order No. 664, dated September 30, 2024, as it relates to Local Law 42 for five (5) days.
No later than September 17, 2008, and no later than every September 17 thereafter, the office shall submit to the mayor, the speaker of the council, the public advocate and the comptroller and post on its website a report regarding actions taken by the office pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, including changes in citywide emissions, changes in city government emissions, a description of the programs developed and implemented, and a description of the education and outreach activities developed and implemented.
No later than September 17, 2008, and no later than every September 17 thereafter, the office shall complete and post on its website an inventory and analysis of city government emissions measured in carbon dioxide equivalent, and other emissions analytical data.
Report to include a quantitative assessment, where susceptible to quantification, and a qualitative assessment of the progress made toward achieving each of the milestones identified in such plan and, where revised, an explanation for such revision
Report including data on the total number of court production videos stored in the department’s database, the total number of court production videos provided to defense counsel pursuant to subdivision e, and including the number of scheduled court appearances for incarcerated individuals in a court facility, as well as virtual court appearances
Report on programs providing educational, vocational, and behavioral support for students with significant challenges, such as autism spectrum disorders, significant cognitive delays, emotional disabilities, sensory impairments, and multiple disabilities
The enclosed report provides a description of enforcement actions and names of entities against which enforcement actions have been taken. The report was published on October 1, 2024.
New Yor City Charter Section 815(1), adopted by Local Law 27 (2023), required each agency to publish a report that contains data regarding, (1) full time employees, (2) promotions, (3) terminations, (4) separations and (5) job group information.
Emergency Executive Order No. 664, is being submitted to extend Emergency Executive Order No. 661, dated September 25, 2024, for five (5) days, if this relates to Local Law 42.
List of properties with 20 or more units identified by block and lot number with identity of mortgagee plaintiffs for which notice has been provided under 27-2109.1(a)
Emergency Executive Order No. 661, is being submitted to extend Emergency Executive Order No. 658, dated September 20, 2024, for five (5) days, if this relates to Local Law 42/DOC.
Emergency Executive Order No. 658, is being submitted to extend Emergency Executive Order No. 655, dated September 15, 2024, for five (5) days, if this relates to Local Law 42.
Report on physical education programs in public schools as detailed, including also a summary of key findings, curricula, and if the department is not in full compliance with physical education requirements pursuant to the New York state education department regulations, steps the department will take to achieve full compliance.
A report on waiting lists for Mitchell-Lama developments that have been digitized and are incorporated into the housing portal required by section 26-1802. Such report shall be disaggregated by each Mitchell-Lama development and include, but need not be limited to, the following: 1. The number of unique applicants on the waiting list on the last day of the prior calendar year; 2. The number of applicants on the waiting list: (a) Who were not selected for occupancy in such development within the prior calendar year; and (b) Whose position on the waiting list was sequentially prior to a person other than a veteran who was selected for occupancy in such development within the prior calendar year; 3. The number of substantiated complaints received within the prior calendar year regarding the waiting list for such development, including, but not limited to: (a) The selection for occupancy of an applicant whose position on the waiting list was sequentially later than applicants who were not selected for occupancy in such development from the same waiting list within the prior calendar year; and (b) The waiting list process; and 4. The number of applicants who were admitted under the preference for veterans for such development within the prior calendar year.
A listing of median asking rents for dwelling units, disaggregated by community district and, if such data is available in a statistically significant and representative sample, by the number of bedrooms
Report regarding the provision of special education services during the applicable reporting period, including but not limited to the following information: 1. The number and percentage of students who were receiving special education services: (i) in full compliance with their IEPs by the end of the reporting period; and (ii) in partial compliance with their IEPs by the end of the reporting period; 2. The number and percentage of students who, by the end of the reporting period, were receiving in full the services enumerated in subparagraphs (a) through (j) of this paragraph as recommended on their IEPs, the number and percentage of students who as of the end of the reporting period were receiving in part such services, and the number and percentage of students who were awaiting the provision of such services: (a) Monolingual speech therapy; (b) Bilingual speech therapy; (c) Monolingual counseling; (d) Bilingual counseling; (e) Occupational therapy; (f) Physical therapy; (g) Hearing education services; (h) Vision education services; (i) Assistive technology services; and (j) Special transportation services.
Report regarding the provision of special education services during the applicable reporting period, including but not limited to the following information: 1. The number and percentage of students who were receiving special education services: (i) in full compliance with their IEPs by the end of the reporting period; and (ii) in partial compliance with their IEPs by the end of the reporting period; 2. The number and percentage of students who, by the end of the reporting period, were receiving in full the services enumerated in subparagraphs (a) through (j) of this paragraph as recommended on their IEPs, the number and percentage of students who as of the end of the reporting period were receiving in part such services, and the number and percentage of students who were awaiting the provision of such services: (a) Monolingual speech therapy; (b) Bilingual speech therapy; (c) Monolingual counseling; (d) Bilingual counseling; (e) Occupational therapy; (f) Physical therapy; (g) Hearing education services; (h) Vision education services; (i) Assistive technology services; and (j) Special transportation services.
Report on housing placements for individuals whose gender identity is different from the sex assigned to the individual at birth, including, but not limited to, transgender, gender nonconforming, non-binary, or intersex, including such individuals’ housing placements, denials of requests for housing most closely aligned with a person’s gender identity, and involuntary transfers from housing most closely aligned with a person’s gender identity.
Aggregate report on non-production of inmates for medical appointments and including an aggregate count of reasons for production refusal or walkout, if given, and the facility.
Report on student attendance for periods of time during which remote learning was used by the department for the month occurring 2 months prior to the month of the report, including the attendance rate of students who participated in (i) full-time remote learning instruction and (ii) blended learning
A report on each lottery for affordable housing units that was administered by or on behalf of the department during the prior three fiscal years, provided that each affordable housing unit available through each such lottery was leased or purchased.
Report regarding the collection, retention, and disclosure of identifying information by such agency and any contractors or subcontractors utilized by such agency
Emergency Executive Order No. 655, is being submitted to extend Emergency Executive Order No. 652, dated September 10, 2024, for five (5) days, as it relates to Local Law 42.
Emergency Executive Order No. 652 is being submitted to extend Emergency Executive Order No. 649, dated September 5, 2024, for five (5) days, as it relates to Local Law 42/DOC.
Emergency Executive Order No. 649 is being submitted to extend Emergency Executive Order No. 646, dated August 31, 2024, for five (5) days as is relates to Local Law 42 / DOC.
Report on new fill-time and part-time employees, employees promoted, employees terminated, employees leaving the agency, and aggregated data about the employees.
Report regarding the collection, retention, and disclosure of identifying information by such agency and any contractors or subcontractors utilized by such agency
Report regarding the collection, retention, and disclosure of identifying information by such agency and any contractors or subcontractors utilized by such agency