In compliance with Local Law 46 passed by the New York City Council in 2014 and amended by LL 145/2016, ACS submits an annual report on youth in foster care to the Council.
In compliance with Local 146 of 2016, ACS conducts an annual survey of youth in foster care age 13 and older regarding their experiences in foster care.
Report on the first annual Foster Care Youth Experience Survey in accordance with Local Law 146 of 2016, which requires the Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) to provide to all youth in foster care, ages 13 and older, an annual survey regarding their experiences in foster care.
This report highlights the accomplishments of the Worker Cooperative Business Development Initiative, which helps New Yorkers to build and own businesses together, and gain access to upward mobility and better working conditions.
Outlines the worker cooperatives served by WCBDI in its fifth year and describes the support this administration has extended to worker cooperatives in New York City
Summary of the impact of services provided by WCBDI to worker cooperatives in the previous three fiscal years. The report outlines the obstacles that worker cooperatives encounter when competing for City contracts and recommends measures to lessen the effects of such obstacles.
The New York City Department of Investigation (DOI) is submitting this report pursuant
to Section 12-113 of the New York City Administrative Code, the City’s “Whistleblower
Protection Law.” Section 4, Subdivision (i) of the law provides that, “[n]ot later than October 31 of each year.
The Whistleblower Protection Law prohibits retaliation against New York City employees,
as well as certain employees of City contractors and subcontractors, for reporting corruption,
criminal activity, conflict of interest, gross mismanagement or abuse of authority in City
government to DOI.
The New York City Department of Investigation (“DOI”) is submitting this report pursuant to Section 12-113 of the New York City Administrative Code, the City’s “Whistleblower Law.”
The New York City Department of Investigation (“DOI”) is submitting this report pursuant to Section 12-113 of the New York City Administrative Code, the City’s “Whistleblower Law.”
The New York City Department of Investigation (“DOI”) is submitting this report pursuant to Section 12-113 of the New York City Administrative Code, the City’s “Whistleblower Law.”
The New York City Department of Investigation (“DOI”) is submitting this report pursuant to Section 12-113 of the New York City Administrative Code, the City’s “Whistleblower Law.”
The New York City Department of Investigation (“DOI”) is submitting this report pursuant to Section 12-113 of the New York City Administrative Code, the City’s “Whistleblower Law.”
The New York City Department of Investigation ("DOI") is pleases to submit this report pursuant to Section 12-113 of the New York City Administrative Code, the City's "Whistleblower Law."