This report documents the number of Runaway and Homeless Youth in contact with DYCD or its contracted providers, and youth in contact with ACS who are referred as, self report as, or who are later determines to be sexually exploited, as well as services provided to meet the needs of such youth..
2024 DYCD Biennial Privacy Report - as required to be submitted by each agency to list the kinds of collections and disclosures the agency has done since the last report and reporting on policies related to PII.
Section 23-1202 of the New York City Ad. Code requires the Chief Privacy Officer to submit a quarterly report containing an anonymized summary of certain disclosures of identifying information made by City agencies under exigent circumstances or in violation of Local Laws 245 and 247 of 2018.
Language access implementation plan update, describing how language access services are provided to ensure meaningful access to information and direct public services, based on changes in the TLC’s service population/services.
The Document contains SCI's 2024 Biennial Report pursuant to the Identifying Information Law. The Office of the Special Commissioner of Investigation for the New York City School District (SCI) is charged with investigating allegations of corruption, fraud, employee misconduct.