Annual report regarding youth in contact with DYCD and ACS who are referred as, self-report as, or who the agencies later determine to be sexually-exploited children, disaggregated by age, gender, and whether the children had contact with DYCD, ACS, or both agencies.
Report summarizing the Interagency Coordinating Council on Youth's activity during the previous fiscal year and detailing recommendations for improving service delivery and coordination, reducing duplication and fragmentation and facilitating the more efficient use of existing resources.
Report describing the current population of runaway and homeless youth, its service needs, a description of members of the population who exited temporary shelters, average length of stay, and a description of public resources available, for the fiscal year that just completed on June 30.
This is a report submitted to Local Law 41 of 2016 by ACS and DYCD concerning the number of youth in contact Runaway and Homeless Youth in contact with DYCD or its contracted providers and youth in contact with ACS who are sexually exploited. (See law for details.)
Summary of NYC Veteran Advisory Board key activities for 2021 and policy recommendations for the Mayor and New York City Council impacting veterans in NYC. Includes copies of the minutes of advisory board meetings held during 2021.
DOT's annual report on Franchise activities highlights information related to the number of franchise structures replaced or removed during the preceding calendar year, revenues received by the City, in-kind media values, and community engagement regarding Franchise activities.
Number of locations under DOT and Parks jurisdiction where bollards have been installed by the agencies total number installed, and number of authorizations for installation by third parties at locations under DOT and Parks jurisdiction in FY 2021.
Report on the number of requests for changes in traffic flow designations disaggregated by location and by the category of requesting party, and the status of such requests received by DOT from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021.
Annual plan to accomplish the objective of establishing measures and programs to ensure a fair and effective affirmative employment plan to provide equal employment opportunity for minority group members and women who are employed by, or who seek employment with, the agency.
Pursuant to Local Law 147 of 2018 pausing the issuance of new For-Hire Vehicle licenses for one year, the TLC conducts its biannual review on whether new FHV licenses would be issued in the next six months.
The Office of Inclusion submits a report that describes agency efforts to inform drivers about Vision Zero and mental health resources and also educates the riding public about their rights as passengers.
This is a Commuter Van Safety Study that was mandated by Local Law 007 of year 2017 in which TLC describes trends and safety efforts in the commuter van sector.
This report is an analysis of the adequacy of the Taxi Improvement Fund, which is used by the the Taxi & Limousine Commission to encourage the use of Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles.
A report on the effects of vehicle utilization standards and the regulation of the number of licenses issued to for-hire vehicles authorized by 550(b) of Title 19 of the New York City Administrative Code.
Annual financial stability report, including but not limited to, details of the office’s activities conducted during the prior calendar year, an assessment of and recommendations regarding the financial stability of the taxicab industry.
This report is submitted as required by Section 168.f of the New York City Charter. The New York City Tax Appeals Tribunal has jurisdiction over petitions filed by taxpayers protesting statutory notices issued by the Department of Finance for all non-property income.
Annual Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (DEI-EEO) for Fiscal Year 2021 for the Special Commissioner of Investigation for the NYC School District (SCI)
Annual Report of the EEO and Diversity activities of the Department of Small Business Services (SBS), describing employment practices, outreach activities, and internal programs.
This report describes the City’s efforts to ensure minority and women-owned businesses have greater access to public contracting opportunities. The reporting period covers program accomplishments for Fiscal Year 2021 (July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021).
Report detailing the number of small businesses served through the Department’s Commercial Lease Assistance Program, disaggregated by borough. Report covers the period beginning on July 1, 2020 and ending on June 30, 2021
Annual fair and effective affirmative employment plan to provide equal employment opportunity for minority group members and women who are employed by, or who seek employment with the agency
Pursuant to New York City Administrative Code 6-129(g)1, the following document has been submitted to the NYC Council Speaker. Each mayoral agency which has made eligible procurements in excess of $5MM during the preceding fiscal year is required to develop and submit an Agency Utilization Plan
In compliance with Local Law 22 of 2015, this report to the NYC Council includes a summary of the impact of services provided by the Worker Cooperative Business Development Initiative (WCBDI), to worker cooperatives during fiscal year 2021.
This report discusses the testing, analyses and assessments of DSNY’s alternative fuel sanitation collection vehicles and street sweepers, and the feasibility of incorporating new alternative fuel sanitation vehicles and technology into DSNY’s fleet.
Annual report of NYC curbside and containerized municipal refuse and recycling statistics, broken down by borough, district, and material type for fiscal year 2021.
These Final Snow Plans detail DSNY's preparedness and response for possible snow events, inclusive of the criteria set forth under Local Law 28, as well as updates specific to streetscape changes and outdoor dining for the 2020-2021 winter season.
This report is the second required annual report issued pursuant to Local Law 152 of 2018 and includes information related to putrescible transfer stations and non-putrescible transfer stations covered by LL152.
Housing NYC: Rents, Markets and Trends 2021 includes all six NYC Rent Guidelines Board reports released this year. In addition, the book contains the 2021-2022 apartment, loft and hotel guidelines adopted by the Board.
The Municipal Archives (MA) at the Department of Records and Information Services acquires, preserves, and provides access to City government records. Established in 1977, the department oversees more than 220,000 cubic feet of historical records.
The Public Design Commission’s 2021 annual report provides data on the PDC’s review of submissions as required by Local Law 17 of 2017. The report gives an overview of our collaborative interagency initiatives to streamline design review and improve the City’s public spaces for all New Yorkers.
The plan is used as a component to help ensure an inclusive, equitable and diverse workplace where diversity of ethnicity, race, experience and thought are valued and where the public are served in an inclusive and equitable manner.
Pursuant to Admin Code Section 14-154(f), this annual report contains the # of civil immigration detainers received from federal authorities, the # of persons detained beyond 48 hours, the # of persons transferred to federal authorities, and the # of information requests from federal authorities
Annual fair and effective affirmative employment plan to provide equal employment opportunity for minority group members and women who are employed by, or who seek employment with, the agency.
Report for the prior fiscal year identifying the top 35 priority areas including a map of each priority area and the total number of major felonies reported within each such priority area, disaggregated by the type of crime committed. Such report shall include a comparison of major felonies.
An Annual Report on the State of Persons with Disabilities living in New York City. A catalog of forward and current looking efforts to enhance accessibility and inclusion in transportation, education, employment and health, as well as City services, institutions and resources.
This report specifies all facilities managed by the Department with accessible features. Also listed in the report are projects (a) designed to comply with the 2010 standards for accessible design.
The 2021 CAPER reports on New York City’s one-year progress (January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021) in using its annual entitlement grants award to address the priority needs and goals articulated in the City’s Consolidated Five-Year Strategic Plan for plan years 2021-2025.