Report provides the number of runaway and homeless youth (RHY) who contacted or presented themselves to a runaway and homeless youth services program to request shelter and were not able to access shelter services during the six month period ending on December 31, 2019.
Update on implementation of process for directly referring youth from DYCD-funded residential programs to the adult shelter system, with data on referrals.
Report of the Interagency Coordinating Council on Youth to the city council and the mayor summarizing its activity during the previous fiscal year and detailing recommendations for improving service delivery and coordination.
Annual report regarding youth in contact with DYCD and ACS who are referred as, self-report as, or who the agencies later determine to be sexually-exploited children, disaggregated by age, gender, and whether the children had contact with DYCD, ACS, or both agencies.
DYCD funded providers of Runaway and Homeless Youth (RHY) Services, including all residential programs and Drop-In Centers serving youth with case management services, will offer participants information about services and resources related to immigration.
Annual report regarding youth in contact with DYCD and ACS who are referred as, self-report as, or who the agencies later determine to be sexually-exploited children, disaggregated by age, gender, and whether the children had contact with DYCD, ACS, or both agencies.
Report describing the current population of runaway and homeless youth, its service needs, a description of members of the population who exited temporary shelters, average length of stay, and a description of public resources available, for the fiscal year that just completed on June 30.
Report summarizing the Interagency Coordinating Council on Youth's activity during the previous fiscal year and detailing recommendations for improving service delivery and coordination, reducing duplication and fragmentation and facilitating the more efficient use of existing resources.
This annual report provides an update on the agency’s implementation of its Language Access Implementation Plan, as required by Local Law 30 (2017). The report covers activity during Calendar Year 2019.
This report also addresses updates for agencies covered by Local Law 73 (2003).
DYCD's diversity and inclusion plan for fiscal year 2020, as shared with City Council, the Department of Citywide Administrative Services, and the Equal Employment Practices Commission.
Report on the agency's efforts during the previous quarter to implement the Diversity and EEO Plan, as submitted to the mayor, council, and department of citywide administrative services.
Update on implementation of process for directly referring youth from DYCD-funded residential programs to the adult shelter system, with data on referrals.
As per Local Law 44/2019, the New York City Department of Veterans' Services submits an annual report on the overall performance and makeup of the agency.
A report on the agency's efforts during October to December 2019 - Quarter 2. Includes details of agency's efforts to implement equal employment practices.