This report, mandated by the New York City Charter, identifies and describes tax expenditure programs related to taxes administered by the City and provides tax expenditure estimates based on available data.
The report provides a summary of a jurisdiction's workforce composition by agency function, job category, salary, race/ethnicity, and gender - data that are relevant to the Federal government's furtherance of EEO practices.
The Daily Shelter Census report contains statistics for the prior calendar day immediately preceding such weekday, excluding holidays. Reports various statistics such as, but not limited to the number of individuals, families, children (disaggregated).
The Daily Shelter Census report contains statistics for the prior calendar day immediately preceding such weekday, excluding holidays. Reports various statistics such as, but not limited to the number of individuals, families, children (disaggregated).
The Daily Shelter Census report contains statistics for the prior calendar day immediately preceding such weekday, excluding holidays. Reports various statistics such as, but not limited to the number of individuals, families, children (disaggregated).
The Daily Shelter Census report contains statistics for the prior calendar day immediately preceding such weekday, excluding holidays. Reports various statistics such as, but not limited to the number of individuals, families, children (disaggregated).
Annual FDNY Admissions Demographics Report includes the demographics of applicants at every step of the application process: recruitment, admission to take the written exam, admission to take the physical exam, admission to the FDNY academy training and graduation from the academy.
Through partnerships with community groups, schools, and various city agencies, FDNY's fire safety education team coordinated/participated in in-person and virtual events during CY 2022 that provided awareness of general residential safety, placing an emphasis on targeting youth.
In compliance with Local Law 145 passed by the New York City Council in 2014 and amended in 2017, ACS submits an annual report on youth in foster care to the Council.
The NYCEM Community Preparedness newsletter provides information about preparedness initiatives, resources and local events to community and faith-based organizations, leaders and the general public of New York City. During emergencies, important alerts and updates are issued to all who subscribe.
The NYCEM Community Preparedness newsletter provides information about preparedness initiatives, resources and local events to community and faith-based organizations, leaders and the general public of New York City. During emergencies, important alerts and updates are issued to all who subscribe.
Report including (1) the number of opioid antagonists available; (2) the number of staff trained to administer; (3) the number of instances during the quarter it was administered; and (4) the number of instances in which the patient responded to the administration of an opioid antagonist.
Report including (1) the number of opioid antagonists available; (2) the number of staff trained to administer; (3) the number of instances during the quarter it was administered; and (4) the number of instances in which the patient responded to the administration of an opioid antagonist.
Report including (1) the number of opioid antagonists available; (2) the number of staff trained to administer; (3) the number of instances during the quarter it was administered; and (4) the number of instances in which the patient responded to the administration of an opioid antagonist.
Quarterly Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (DEI-EEO) for Fiscal Year 2024 Quarter 2 for the Special Commissioner of Investigation for the NYC School District (SCI)
Report on the use of smoke alarms at any fires in which there was a fire related death or life-threatening injury and the existence of fire sprinklers at any fire greater than a first alarm fire.
A report indicating whether a smoke detector or alarm was found at the location of any fire in which there was a civilian fire fatality during the preceding calendar year.
A three-story school building built 1849-50 by the Public-School Society of New York City and used by African American students and teachers from 1860 to 1894.
The Commission's Language Access Policy and Implementation Plan (LAIP) outlines the language access resources available to limited English proficient New Yorkers to access programs and initiatives.
Local Law 30 of 2017 mandates that City agencies create a language access implementation plan in order to ensure meaningful language access to their services. This is NYCEM's Language Access Policy, updated in 2021.
Pursuant to LL 91 of 2013, the 2022 Annual Report on the Activities of the Food Service Establishment Advisory Board summarizes the activities of the advisory board from January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022.
Pursuant to LL 168 of 2017, the Department is required to report on information related to adolescents and young adults located in a Department of Education facility controlled by the Department of Correction that offers educational programming to incarcerated individuals.
Report on agency complaints of workplace sexual harassment, including number of complaints filed, resolved, substantiated or not substantiated and closed before a final determination.
Enclosed is the 2023 Animal Care Centers of NYC (ACC) annual report required by Local Law 59 of 2011. The following pages provide information on outcomes for all animals at ACC, field rescues, resource center transfers, and staffing.
The Public Design Commission’s 2023 annual report provides data on the PDC’s review of submissions as required by Local Law 17 of 2017. The report gives an overview of our collaborative interagency initiatives to streamline design review and improve the City’s public spaces for all New Yorkers
Report on the department's efforts to recruit and retain candidates for the firefighter civil service examination and promotion to firefighter civil service examination, such as through training and mentorship programs, recruitment events, and preparatory materials.
This is the annual report to be provided in compliance of Local Law 38 of 2019, covering the period January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. This report provides an overview of select Mayor's Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence program activities and initiatives.
To enhance the public’s access to this critical 9-1-1 service, in 2014, the City began developing a long-term strategy to implement a Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1) system, which would allow for the seamless transfer of digital information from the public to the City’s 9-1-1 system.
Pursuant to Local Law 160 of 2021, this report provides information regarding the amount of commissary funds remaining in the accounts of all individuals who are no longer in the custody of the department, the number of such accounts and efforts made in each year to return any unclaimed funds.
The Hotel Report consolidates research related to rent stabilized hotels into a single report. The report includes information on Certifications of No Harassment for SROs, illegal hotel violations, and additional data related to hotels.
The report examines changes in the overall supply of housing in NYC during the prior year, looking at factors that include the number of permits issued and the number of completed housing units.
The NYCEM Hurricane Evacuation Zone Map can be used to help New Yorkers find out if they live in an evacuation zone, to locate the nearest evacuation center and to learn what to do before a storm.
Study analyzes the cost of operating and maintaining rental housing, examining the conditions that existed in the NYC rent stabilized housing market in 2021 and also the extent by which these conditions changed from 2020.
The study reports on housing affordability and tenant income in the City's rental market. The study highlights year-to-year changes in many of the major economic factors affecting the City's tenant population.
Pursuant to the NYC Administrative Code, the city clerk shall prepare and post on the internet an annual report relating to the administration and enforcement of the lobbying law.
The report surveys lending institutions that underwrite mortgages for multifamily rent stabilized properties in New York City. It also examines rent stabilized building sales.
Fulfilling the requirements of Local Law 40 of 2010, DSNY has completed a multi-season residential and institutional Waste Characterization Study. The 2023 Study was conducted over two seasons and determined the waste composition of several major sources from which DSNY collects.
The New York City Building Drinking Water Tank Inspection Report is submitted pursuant to New York City Administrative Code §17-194. This report includes the number of complete building water tank inspection results received by the NYC Department of Health and the number of violations issued.
Pursuant to Local Law 92 of 2022, this report features reporting on the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s opioid antagonist training and kit distribution to nightlife employees for CY2023.
The study measures the price change in a market basket of goods and services used in the operation and maintenance of rent stabilized apartment buildings in NYC.
Pursuant to Local Law 118 of 2023, enclosed is a report on progress made towards securing additional supportive and intensive crises residence sites (crisis respite centers) by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
A list of the complaints received, the enforcement actions taken, whether the department of buildings authorized closure of such privately owned public space and if so, the duration of and reason for each such closure.
Local Law 26/2011 requires agencies responsible for preparing for and responding to snow emergencies provide an annual snow preparedness and response report for each snow event of six inches or greater. From November 15, 2019 through November 14, 2020 there were zero (0) reportable snow events.
Local Law 24/2011 report on the plans and protocols in place to guide NYC's response to weather emergencies, including plans for winter weather, coastal storms, extreme heat, flash floods and events causing power outages, damage to structures and/or significant amounts of debris for the past year.
DSNY's Borough Snow Plans describe measures DSNY will take to fight winter weather, clear streets for safe transportation, and address issues of public safety related to snow and ice conditions. These are published pursuant to the requirements set forth under Local Law 28 of 2011.
The Borough Snow Plan describes measures DSNY will take to fight winter weather, clear streets for safe transportation, and address issues of public safety related to snow and ice conditions. This document is published pursuant to the requirements set forth under Local Law 28 of 2011.
The report examines changes in the overall supply of housing in NYC during the prior year, looking at factors that include the number of permits issued and the number of completed housing units.
The study reports on housing affordability and tenant income in the City's rental market. The study highlights year-to-year changes in many of the major economic factors affecting the City's tenant population.
This report identifies critical gaps & deficiencies in the mental healthcare system that hinder New Yorkers with mental health needs from accessing and maintaining consistent connections to care. It reflects the city's steadfast commitment to the health, well-being, & safety of New Yorkers.
Pursuant to Local Law 92 of 2022, this report features reporting on the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s opioid antagonist training and kit distribution to nightlight employees for CY2023.
The study measures the price change in a market basket of goods and services used in the operation and maintenance of rent stabilized apartment buildings in NYC.
935 St. Nicholas Avenue, an architecturally distinct early 20th-century Neo-Gothic Revival style apartment building in the Washington Heights neighborhood, was the well-established home to jazz trailblazers, Duke Ellington, and
Noble Sissle, each for over 20 years.
A report on the agency's efforts during the previous quarter to implement the plan adopted pursuant to paragraph nineteen (annual plan) of Section 815(a),including details of agency's efforts to implement equal employment practices.
Annual fair and effective affirmative employment plan to provide equal employment opportunity for minority group members and women who are employed by, or who seek employment with, the agency.
Section 12-127 of the Administrative Code of The City of New York requires that a report concerning workers’ compensation claims by City employees be compiled and transmitted
annually to the Mayor, the Comptroller, the Public Advocate and the Speaker of the Council.
An annual report on 1) the total number of domestic violence complaints; 2) the total number of chronic domestic violence complaints; 3) the total number of domestic violence offenders; 4) the total number of chronic offenders; 5) the scope of outreach efforts; and 6) any other interventions
Local Law 68-2020 requires that the New York City Police Department submit a report to the Mayor and the Speaker of the City Council by January 31 of each year on the Department’s use of the early intervention system during the previous year.
Pursuant to Admin Code Sect. 14-169, this annual report contains information on U.S. currency retained by the department/returned to claimants, motor vehicles retained by the department, and revenue generated from vehicles and other property retained by the department
Pursuant to Admin Code Sect. 14-172, this quarterly report contains the total numbers of fare evasion arrests and fare evasion summonses, disaggregated by transit bureau district, transit station, and race/sex/age, as well as the numbers of DATs vs. live arrests for fare evasion arrests.
Pursuant to Local Law 12 of 2023, this report articulates our 5-year accessibility plan, divided into Physical Access, Programmatic Access, Effective Communications, Digital Access, and Workplace Inclusion. The Plan reviews challenges and the steps implemented or planned to address them.
The Blueprint for Child Care & Early Childhood Education in New York City outlines essential steps to provide high-quality, equitable, and accessible child care for thousands of New York City families.
DOF is amending the rules for the SCRIE and DRIE Programs.
These amendments to Chapter 52 were first proposed and published on September 23, 2022. A public hearing was held on October 25, 2022. After receiving and reviewing public comments, DOF has adopted this final rule.
Report compiling the mayoral agencies' reports on implementation for agencies covered by the city's agency-based voter registration law, which requires nineteen agencies to distribute voter registration forms to individuals who are applying for, renewing, or submitting a change of address.
DOI’s Office of the Inspector General for the NYPD released its second Report concerning the NYPD’s compliance with the Public Oversight of Surveillance Technology Act. OIG-NYPD reviewed the NYPD’s Impact and Use policies, applicable to five surveillance technologies NYPD introduced in CY 2023.
IBO's review of the tax break, under Local Law 18 of 2017, was released as NYC Council is about to consider MSG’s DCP application to renew its zoning special permit. It also coincides with a reignited debate on the future of the beleaguered & over-capacity Penn Station that lies below MSG.
A report listing projects which were designed in 2023, which completed construction in 2023 and which plan to complete construction in 2024 which have accessible design features.
This analysis of business improvement districts (BIDs) identified four financial matters, which potentially point to increased financial risks and may decrease the availability of services to districts.
New York City Housing Authority's Annual PHA Plan for Fiscal Year 2020 and Five Year Agency Plan for Fiscal Years 2020-2024 to US Department of Housing and Urban Development
Report includes, but not limited to the number of households that exited DHS shelter in the prior calendar year using CityFHEPS, household type e.g., families with children.
On behalf of the Queens County District Attorney’s Office, we wholeheartedly support and enforce the rights and protections afforded by the New York City EEO Policy, the City and State Human Rights Law.
Annual fair and effective affirmative employment plan to provide equal employment opportunity for minority group members and women who are employed by, or who seek employment with the agency
Annual fair and effective affirmative employment plan to provide equal employment opportunity for minority group members and women who are employed by, or who seek employment with, the agency
An annual report containing descriptive data on a selected group of NYCEDC projects, the amounts of City assistance provided by NYCEDC to the businesses involved in these projects and estimates of the tax revenues generated by these projects.
Under Local Law 36 of 2023, the New York City Department of Finance (DOF) is required to
report information relating to property tax payment plans to the mayor and speaker of the city
council. Local Law 36 also created a new type of property tax payment plan that reduces the
interest rate.
The CCRB Annual Report contains data on complaint activity, CCRB investigations, the NYPD disciplinary process, CCRB mediations, requests for case reconsideration, video and body-worn cameras, CCRB outreach, and new CCRB initiatives for the preceding year.
Report on the education and outreach conducted as required by section 28-103.32 including a description of how such outreach was conducted and the number of business owners reached through the outreach; 2. The number of complaints related to sections 403.2.1 and 403.4 of the New York city plumbing c
Report provides an overview of the department’s activities with respect to supplemental nutrition assistance enrollment and recertification for seniors, including the public campaign and the enrollment and recertification program.
In compliance with Local Law 122 of 2020, the following is the annual report of the New York City Department for the Aging Advisory Council activities outlined during its quarterly meetings for 2023.
The total citywide market value of fully and partially taxable property approached $1.4 trillion, about 7.8 percent higher than in FY 2022. Growth was higher in Class Two (9.1 percent) and Class Four (9.7 percent) compared to Class One (6.6 percent) and Class Three (5.4 percent).
Report on the activities of the office and any recommendations developed by the director. The law requires ONL conduct outreach, reviews information on complaints and violations, and issue a report of recommendations for policies and initiatives to strengthen the nightlife industry.