A quarterly report on EDC’s expenditure, as well as, retention or designation of persons or organizations to engage in lobbying or lobbying activities before the council or any member thereof, the city planning commission, a borough president, a borough board or a community board.
A quarterly report on EDC’s expenditure, as well as, retention or designation of persons or organizations to engage in lobbying or lobbying activities before the council or any member thereof, the city planning commission, a borough president, a borough board or a community board.
A quarterly report on EDC’s expenditure, as well as, retention or designation of persons or organizations to engage in lobbying or lobbying activities before the council or any member thereof, the city planning commission, a borough president, a borough board or a community board.
Annual financial stability report, including but not limited to, details of the office’s activities conducted during the prior calendar year, an assessment of and recommendations regarding the financial stability of the taxicab industry.
A quarterly report on EDC’s expenditure, as well as, retention or designation of persons or organizations to engage in lobbying or lobbying activities before the council or any member thereof, the city planning commission, a borough president, a borough board or a community board.
A quarterly report on EDC’s expenditure, as well as, retention or designation of persons or organizations to engage in lobbying or lobbying activities before the council or any member thereof, the city planning commission, a borough president, a borough board or a community board.
The Twenty-First Annual Report of the Commission, covers the work performed by the Commission with respect to IAB investigations reviewed during the 2021 calendar year.
The Food Forward NYC: 2-Year Progress Report highlights the tremendous progress that the City has made since Food Forward NYC, a comprehensive strategic framework for a more racially and economically equitable, sustainable, and healthy food system for all New Yorkers, was released in February 2021.
The Food Forward NYC: 2-Year Progress Report highlights the tremendous progress that the City has made since Food Forward NYC, a comprehensive strategic framework for a more racially and economically equitable, sustainable, and healthy food system for all New Yorkers, was released in February 2021.
Since 1983, the Public Design Commission has recognized outstanding public projects with its Annual Awards for Excellence in Design. The winning projects are selected from the hundreds of submissions reviewed by the Commission the previous year.
A quarterly report on EDC’s expenditure, as well as, retention or designation of persons or organizations to engage in lobbying or lobbying activities before the council or any member thereof, the city planning commission, a borough president, a borough board or a community board.
The plan is used as a component to help ensure an inclusive, equitable and diverse workplace where diversity of ethnicity, race, experience and thought are valued and where the public are served in an inclusive and equitable manner.
A quarterly report on EDC’s expenditure, as well as, retention or designation of persons or organizations to engage in lobbying or lobbying activities before the council or any member thereof, the city planning commission, a borough president, a borough board or a community board.
A quarterly report on EDC’s expenditure, as well as, retention or designation of persons or organizations to engage in lobbying or lobbying activities before the council or any member thereof, the city planning commission, a borough president, a borough board or a community board.
A quarterly report on EDC’s expenditure, as well as, retention or designation of persons or organizations to engage in lobbying or lobbying activities before the council or any member thereof, the city planning commission, a borough president, a borough board or a community board.
Report on the operation of the provision of legal services provided to covered small business tenants pursuant to subdivision b of Administrative Code Section 22-1006 during the previous two fiscal years
The Identifying Information Law requires City agencies to submit comprehensive biennial reports related to their collection, disclosure, and retention of identifying information and their privacy protection practices
Pursuant to the Identifying Information Law requirements for city agencies, this is the biennial compliance report. This report contains information concerning the agency's collection, retention, and disclosure of personal identifying information, in accordance with local law.
This is the RJC's biennial Report required under the Identifying Information Act. The Report describes the collection and disclosure of identifying information that has been authorized by the Agency's Agency Privacy Officer, and outlines the Agency's privacy protection practices.
Biennial report produced in compliance with Local Law 245 of 2017 regarding the collection, retention, and disclosure of identifying information by the FDNY.
This report is an analysis of the adequacy of the Taxi Improvement Fund, which is used by the the Taxi & Limousine Commission to encourage the use of Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles.
This is a Commuter Van Safety Study that was mandated by Local Law 007 of year 2017 in which TLC describes trends and safety efforts in the commuter van sector.
This 2022 agency report identifies how we use personal identifying information as part of our mission and work: the collection, use, and disclosure of it.
The Hotel Room Occupancy Tax must be paid on the occupancy, or the right of occupancy, of a room or rooms in a hotel. Hotel Room Occupancy Tax is separate from the NYC Sales Tax on hotel room occupancy and is charged in addition to the Sales Tax.
This report specifies all facilities managed by the Department with accessible features. Also listed in the report are projects (a) designed in 2021 to comply with the 2010 standards for accessible design, (b) which completed construction in 2021 which comply with the 2010 standards.
A quarterly report on EDC’s expenditure, as well as, retention or designation of persons or organizations to engage in lobbying or lobbying activities before the council or any member thereof, the city planning commission, a borough president, a borough board or a community board.
The fact sheet provides count data for domestic violence homicides, calls to the NYC domestic violence hotline, counts for client visits to the NYC Family Justice Centers, visits to NYC HOPE resource directory online, the number of trainings and outreach events. Also includes data on ENDGBV contract
NYC Adm. Code Section 12-127 requires a report concerning workers' compensation claims by City employees be compiled and transmitted annually to the Mayor, the Comptroller, the Public Advocate and the Speaker of the Council. NYC Law Department compiled and indexed the workers' compensation claims.
Early voting seems to be gaining popularity in NYC, especially in higher turnout elections. The 2020 general election peaked at 36.3% of all voters voting early. The 2021 primary early voting electorate tripled from the 2020 primary.
This report discusses the testing, analyses and assessments of DSNY’s alternative fuel sanitation collection vehicles and street sweepers, and the feasibility of incorporating new alternative fuel sanitation vehicles and technology into DSNY’s fleet.
Report including (1) the number of opioid antagonists available; (2) the number of staff trained to administer; (3) the number of instances during the quarter it was administered; and (4) the number of instances in which the patient responded to the administration of an opioid antagonist.
Report including (1) the number of opioid antagonists available; (2) the number of staff trained to administer; (3) the number of instances during the quarter it was administered; and (4) the number of instances in which the patient responded to the administration of an opioid antagonist.
The Public Design Commission’s 2021 annual report provides data on the PDC’s review of submissions as required by Local Law 17 of 2017. The report gives an overview of our collaborative interagency initiatives to streamline design review and improve the City’s public spaces for all New Yorkers.
This is a report submitted to Local Law 41 of 2016 by ACS and DYCD concerning the number of youth in contact Runaway and Homeless Youth in contact with DYCD or its contracted providers and youth in contact with ACS who are sexually exploited. (See law for details.)
Report on the department's expenditures on recruiting candidates for firefighter civil service examination and promotion to firefighter civil service examination, a list of the recruiting events in which the department has participated as well as preparatory materials.
Daniel G. Cort, Acting Commissioner of the New York City Department of Investigation (“DOI”), announced today the agency’s statistics for Calendar Year-end (“CY”) 2021, which covers January 1, 2021 through December 31,
The 2021 numbers continue to reflect the pandemic’s effect on the City and its economy, as well as on the courts
and criminal justice system. As a result, some of the numbers reflect a downturn from the previous calendar year.
The False Claims Act Report's purpose is to assist in the recovery of monetary damages from parties who have filed fraudulent claims for payment of City funds.
A quarterly report on EDC’s expenditure, as well as, retention or designation of persons or organizations to engage in lobbying or lobbying activities before the council or any member thereof, the city planning commission, a borough president, a borough board or a community board.
2021 NYC Law Department Annual Report describes some major issues and matters handled by the various Law Department Divisions in 2021. The Law Department handles over 80,000 active or ongoing legal matters each year representing New York City.
The 2021 annual report highlights CGE activities between January 2021 and December2021. It also lays out a plan of action for 2022. Specifically, in 2021,
DYCD funded Drop In Center, Crisis Shelters and TIL Support Program providers are required to report each young person who is unable to access an RHY bed on the date that they sought services. This report reflects such reports by RHY providers in the July-December 2021 period .
This report reports on the on direct referral process DYCD has with DHS to allow youth from DYCD-funded residential programs to easily transition to the adult shelter system. The practice began in 2017 and was later codified in Local Law 81 of 2018.
This report includes projects where at least $1 million of financial assistance is given, even if the project is exempt from paying a living wage pursuant to a statutory exemption under the Fair Wages for New Yorkers Act.
This is the annual report to be provided in compliance of Local Law 38 of 2019, covering the time period January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021. This report provides an overview of select Mayor's Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence program activities and initiatives.
Announced by Mayor de Blasio in June of 2015, an interagency Three-Quarter Housing (TQH) Task Force reviews the use of three-quarter houses in New York City and promotes structural stability, fire safety, and tenant protections. The interagency Task Force includes DOB, FDNY, HPD, HRA and Law Dept.
This report provides a summary of the outcomes achieved by the two winners of the NYCx Co-Labs Housing Rights Challenge; Heat Seek and JustFix.nyc. It also includes lessons learned for working on open innovation, community engagement, urban pilots as well as policy recommendations for NYC agencies.
The Municipal Archives (MA) at the Department of Records and Information Services acquires, preserves, and provides access to City government records. Established in 1977, the department oversees more than 220,000 cubic feet of historical records.
This quarterly report describes OATH’s EEO and Diversity & Inclusion programs and initiatives related to Workforce, Workplace, and Community goals which were outlined in our FY 2021 Diversity and EEO Plan.
This quarterly report describes OATH’s EEO and Diversity & Inclusion programs and initiatives related to Workforce, Workplace, and Community goals which were outlined in our FY 2021 Diversity and EEO Plan.
Agencies are required to establish measures and programs to ensure a fair and effective affirmative employment plan. In accordance with Section 815(a)(20)(i), the head of each city agency shall quarterly publish a report on the agency's efforts during the previous quarter to implement the plan.
Agencies are required to establish measures and programs to ensure a fair and effective affirmative employment plan. In accordance with Section 815(a)(20)(i), the head of each city agency shall quarterly publish a report on the agency's efforts during the previous quarter to implement the plan.
In compliance with Local Law 9 of 2015, the following is the annual report of the legislated Social Adult Day Care (SADC) Ombuds Office for Calendar Year 2021.
Annual Report of Senior Centers in the City of New York. Report includes metrics on services and activities provided by senior centers across the five boroughs for fiscal year 2021.
Annual fair and effective affirmative employment plan to provide equal employment opportunity for minority group members and women who are employed by, or who seek employment with the agency
Report assessing and evaluating each business entity to which it provided assistance in excess of $150,000, or sale or lease of city-owned land for a project expected to retain or create not less than 25 jobs, to determine whether they met MWBE business goals, if any, pursuant to the contract.
Summary of NYC Veteran Advisory Board key activities for 2021 and policy recommendations for the Mayor and New York City Council impacting veterans in NYC. Includes copies of the minutes of advisory board meetings held during 2021.
This report provides a summary of the outcomes achieved by the two winners of the NYCx Co-Labs Mental Health Challenge: NextStep and Me, Myself, & I. It includes lessons learned for working on open innovation, community engagement, urban pilots as well as policy recommendations for NYC agencies.
The City Record newspaper publishes notices which includes but is not limited to: public hearings and meetings, public auctions and sales, solicitations and awards and official rules proposed and adopted by city agencies.
The NYC Board of Correction's FY 2021 Diversity Equity Inclusion and EEO Plan. This plan affirms the Board's commitment to the providing an inclusive workplace.
The City Record newspaper publishes notices which includes but is not limited to: public hearings and meetings, public auctions and sales, solicitations and awards and official rules proposed and adopted by city agencies.
The Food Metrics Report is an annual report report on the state of food security, policy, and City programs across New York City. This report is a compilation of City Agency data related to food production, processing, distribution, consumption.
The City Record newspaper publishes notices which includes but is not limited to: public hearings and meetings, public auctions and sales, solicitations and awards and official rules proposed and adopted by city agencies.
The City Record newspaper publishes notices which includes but is not limited to: public hearings and meetings, public auctions and sales, solicitations and awards and official rules proposed and adopted by city agencies.
The City Record newspaper publishes notices which includes but is not limited to: public hearings and meetings, public auctions and sales, solicitations and awards and official rules proposed and adopted by city agencies.
The City Record newspaper publishes notices which includes but is not limited to: public hearings and meetings, public auctions and sales, solicitations and awards and official rules proposed and adopted by city agencies.
The City Record newspaper publishes notices which includes but is not limited to: public hearings and meetings, public auctions and sales, solicitations and awards and official rules proposed and adopted by city agencies.
This report documents the early days of the Voluntary Local Review movement and the multiple influences that gave rise to it. It also highlights the importance of local actors’ efforts in creating transformations for a sustainable future.
The City Record newspaper publishes notices which includes but is not limited to: public hearings and meetings, public auctions and sales, solicitations and awards and official rules proposed and adopted by city agencies.
DSNY, GrowNYC, and the NYC Compost Project hosted by the NY Botanical Garden today celebrated the realization of a promise made in Mayor de Blasio’s 2021 Earth Day announcements: the opening of more than 200 community-based Food Scrap Drop-off sites.
The City Record newspaper publishes notices which includes but is not limited to: public hearings and meetings, public auctions and sales, solicitations and awards and official rules proposed and adopted by city agencies.
DSNY, GrowNYC, and the NYC Compost Project hosted by the New York Botanical Garden will celebrate the realization of a promise made in Mayor de Blasio’s 2021 Earth Day announcements: the opening of more than 200 community-based Food Scrap Drop-off sites.
The City Record newspaper publishes notices which includes but is not limited to: public hearings and meetings, public auctions and sales, solicitations and awards and official rules proposed and adopted by city agencies.
The City Record newspaper publishes notices which includes but is not limited to: public hearings and meetings, public auctions and sales, solicitations and awards and official rules proposed and adopted by city agencies.
The Financial District and Seaport Climate Resilience Master Plan is a shared City-community vision for a resilient 21st-century waterfront.
This vision responds to the increasing hazards posed by climate change, while transforming the waterfront to better serve all New Yorkers
for generations.
The City Record newspaper publishes notices which includes but is not limited to: public hearings and meetings, public auctions and sales, solicitations and awards and official rules proposed and adopted by city agencies.
The City Record newspaper publishes notices which includes but is not limited to: public hearings and meetings, public auctions and sales, solicitations and awards and official rules proposed and adopted by city agencies.
The City Record newspaper publishes notices which includes but is not limited to: public hearings and meetings, public auctions and sales, solicitations and awards and official rules proposed and adopted by city agencies.
The City Record newspaper publishes notices which includes but is not limited to: public hearings and meetings, public auctions and sales, solicitations and awards and official rules proposed and adopted by city agencies.
The City Record newspaper publishes notices which includes but is not limited to: public hearings and meetings, public auctions and sales, solicitations and awards and official rules proposed and adopted by city agencies.
The City Record newspaper publishes notices which includes but is not limited to: public hearings and meetings, public auctions and sales, solicitations and awards and official rules proposed and adopted by city agencies.
The Public Design Commission meets once a month. The meeting agendas are posted online three business days in advance of each meeting and published in the City Record. Agendas are also distributed to all City Council members, Community Boards, and City agency liaisons.