The Mayor’s Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence released A Foundation Report: Stalking, which provides a definition of stalking, prevalence statistics, an overview of prevention efforts and programs to assist victims of stalking.
Have inspections for rats by the health department’s Bureau of Veterinary and Pest Control Services been increasing? We track changes in the number of initial inspections citywide and by borough.
The objective of the audit was to determine whether JCDecaux accurately reported its advertising revenue to the City and remitted timely payments, both monetary and in non-monetary “alternative compensation,” due to the City as stipulated in the agreement.
This audit was performed to assess the New York City Department of Transportation’s (DOT’s) procurement of the Brooklyn Bridge Rehabilitation of Approach Spans and Ramps and Painting of the Entire Bridge contract (Contract No. 20100016889 or Contract No. 6) ...
This audit found that EDC did not disclose over $224 million in expenditures as ferry-related in its audited financial statements and that EDC understated the City’s subsidy for the ferry operations by $2.08, $2.10, $3.98 and $4.29 for Fiscal Years 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021, respectively.
Update to the Borough Pedestrian Safety Action Plans. The report updates the Priority Locations identified in the 2015 Vision Zero Borough Pedestrian Action Plans with current data, Vision Zero innovations, progress on Vision Zero initiatives, and introduces new actions.
Update to the Borough Pedestrian Safety Action Plans. The report updates the Priority Locations identified in the 2019 Vision Zero Borough Pedestrian Action Plans with current data, Vision Zero innovations, progress on Vision Zero initiatives, and introduces new actions.
Details the expense budget of certain agencies by major functional areas. Within each functional area, expenditures by personal services and other than personal services are presented.
Details the expense budget of certain agencies by major functional areas. Within each functional area, expenditures by personal services and other than personal services are presented.
June 2019 Adopted Budget, Fiscal Year 2020 - Details the expense budget of certain agencies by major functional areas. Within each functional area, expenditures by personal services and other than personal services are presented, as well as the funding supporting the function. Links to PMMR.
This report is submitted pursuant to N.Y.C. Ad. Code § 20-706.2 as added by Local Law 68 of 2015. It reflects the number and location of events held in the previous year.
Per Administrative Code of the City of New York section 7-113, the City's Law Department must post information on civil actions alleging misconduct commenced against the Department of Corrections and individual employees on its website.
Per Administrative Code of the City of New York section 7-113, the City's Law Department must post information on civil actions alleging misconduct commenced against the Department of Corrections and individual officers on its website.
The 2021 Disparity Report analyzes city-wide trends in racial disparities for youth and young adults in New York City across 28 indicators. The report finds that while disparities persist in four sectors (education, economic security, health and justice), outcomes have improved significantly.
Audit, analysis and evaluation of the Board of Education Retirement System's employment practices and procedures and its efforts to ensure fair and effective equal employment opportunities for employees and applicants seeking employment.
Audit, analysis and evaluation of the Department of Citywide Administrative Services' employment practices and procedures and its efforts to ensure fair and effective equal employment opportunities for employees and applicants seeking employment.
Audit, analysis and evaluation of the Department of Education's employment practices and procedures and its efforts to ensure fair and effective equal employment opportunities for employees and applicants seeking employment.