This is a CCRB issue-based report examining complaints and allegations in which NYPD officers interfered or attempted to interfere with a civilian recording of a police action.
Cases of sexually transmitted diseases—chlamydia, gonorrhea, and (primary and secondary) syphilis—have reached their highest reported levels in 30 years in NYC and record levels nationwide.
The New York City Department of Investigation (“DOI”) is submitting this report pursuant to Section 12-113 of the New York City Administrative Code, the City’s “Whistleblower Law.”
With a growing number of English language learners and an expanding set of programs to assist them, IBO looked at shifts in placements at 1,512 traditional public schools over the four years from 2014-2015 through 2017-2018.
The city’s diminishing stock of rent-stabilized apartments is highly sought after by prospective tenants because these regulated units often rent at below-market rates and offer a variety of tenant protections including the right to lease renewal.
As of June, the Department of Education had 131,199 full-time employees. More than 119,000 served in jobs under the broad classification of pedagogues, which includes roles such as principals, assistant principals, teachers, and teaching assistants also known as paraprofessionals.
The NYC Well-Being Index is designed to help understand the well-being of communities. It is a composite measure with nine domains: Education, Economic Security, Housing, Health, Community Safety, Infrastructure and Core Services, and Community Vitality, COVID-19 and Equity.
Report listing the number of crashes reported to TLC that involve a TLC-licensed vehicle. Below those lines, the number of TLC-licensed vehicles involved in those crashes are disaggregated by vehicle type. Multiple TLC-licensed vehicles can be involved in a single crash.
Report summarizes the City's progress and introduces new initiatives that build on the accomplishments of Vision Zero's first five years. Report contains summary data describing the annual core outputs (street design, enforcement and safety education) and core outcomes (traffic fatalities).