Press releases are designed to inform the public of an upcoming/ongoing emergency or special event. Some emergencies include coastal storms, nor'easters, and extreme heat. Releases also highlight special events including Ready New York presentations and other community preparedness initiatives.
Press releases are designed to inform the public of an upcoming/ongoing emergency or special event. Some emergencies include coastal storms, nor'easters, and extreme heat. Releases also highlight special events including Ready New York presentations and other community preparedness initiatives.
Press releases are designed to inform the public of an upcoming/ongoing emergency or special event. Some emergencies include coastal storms, nor'easters, and extreme heat. Releases also highlight special events including Ready New York presentations and other community preparedness initiatives.
Report of the NY State Commission on Judicial Conduct reviewing complaints against judges, investigations where applicable and disciplinary actions taken. Report published in 2010, reviews activity for 2009.
The 132nd executive order from Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg repeals executive order 118 of 2008 and redefines elements fo the Indigent Defense Plan for the City of New York
Press releases are designed to inform the public of an upcoming/ongoing emergency or special event. Some emergencies include coastal storms, nor'easters, and extreme heat. Releases also highlight special events including Ready New York presentations and other community preparedness initiatives.
New Yorkers drive much less than the average American, realizing a staggering $19 billion savings/year that people in other metro areas spend on auto-related expenses. NYers spend less on cars and gas - money that leaves the local economy - so NYers have more purchasing power: the Green Dividend
Press releases are designed to inform the public of an upcoming/ongoing emergency or special event. Some emergencies include coastal storms, nor'easters, and extreme heat. Releases also highlight special events including Ready New York presentations and other community preparedness initiatives.
The 135th executive order from Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg orders the Extension of the City of New York's Extended Military Benefits Program - Differential Pay Program
Press releases are designed to inform the public of an upcoming/ongoing emergency or special event. Some emergencies include coastal storms, nor'easters, and extreme heat. Releases also highlight special events including Ready New York presentations and other community preparedness initiatives.
The 137th executive order from Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg acts as an Amendment of Executive Order No. 121, Relating to Mayor's Office of Contract Services
Press releases are designed to inform the public of an upcoming/ongoing emergency or special event. Some emergencies include coastal storms, nor'easters, and extreme heat. Releases also highlight special events including Ready New York presentations and other community preparedness initiatives.
Press releases are designed to inform the public of an upcoming/ongoing emergency or special event. Some emergencies include coastal storms, nor'easters, and extreme heat. Releases also highlight special events including Ready New York presentations and other community preparedness initiatives.
In February 2010, the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) announced that the City will dedicate $100 million to installing new nitrogen control technologies at wastewater treatment plants located on Jamaica Bay.
Press releases are designed to inform the public of an upcoming/ongoing emergency or special event. Some emergencies include coastal storms, nor'easters, and extreme heat. Releases also highlight special events including Ready New York presentations and other community preparedness initiatives.
Authorizing the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications to Consolidate the Infrastructure of and Establish Coordinated Citywide Policies for Information Technology and Telecommunications for the City of New York
The New York City Department of Investigation (“DOI”) is pleased to submit this report pursuant to Section 12-113 of the New York City Administrative Code, as amended, the City’s “Whistleblower Law.”
The New York City Department of Investigation (“DOI”) is pleased to submit this report pursuant to Section 12-113 of the New York City Administrative Code, the City’s “Whistleblower Law.”
Pursuant to LL51/2009, report on the effectiveness of the new law at increasing the capacity of parking for bicycles in the City's garages and parking lots including the location of bicycle parking spaces and the rate of usage of such spaces
Press releases are designed to inform the public of an upcoming/ongoing emergency or special event. Some emergencies include coastal storms, nor'easters, and extreme heat. Releases also highlight special events including Ready New York presentations and other community preparedness initiatives.
Annual report by the Child Fatality Review Advisory Team (created by local law 115 in 2006) presenting a 10-year retrospective review of fatal injuries among children and youth aged 0-17.
Summary of NYC Veteran Advisory Board key activities for 2010 and policy recommendations for the Mayor and New York City Council impacting veterans in NYC. Includes copies of the minutes of advisory board meetings held during 2010.
An evaluation of the Homemaking Personal Care Program to look at the consistency and sources used for level of care determinations across case management agencies and whether clients are being assessed and linked to the full range of services that they may need.
The Commission, since its inception, in accordance with its Executive Order, releases annual reports detailing its activities for each past year, including a review of IAB investigations and a review of disciplinary cases including those involving false statements and serious off-duty misconduct
The 2010 Annual Report contains information about the Tax Commission and its mission, functions, operations and resources, an overview of the agency's performance, and statistical profiles of its formal actions, during calendar year 2010.
Each year the Center for Economic Opportunity publishes its annual Poverty Measure report. Unlike the U.S. measure, the NYCgov measure takes into account benefit programs and higher housing costs to get a better portrait of poverty in New York City.
Audit, analysis and evaluation of the City Council's Equal Employment Opportunity Program and its efforts to ensure fair and effective equal employment opportunities for employees and applicants seeking employment.
The Annual Report of the New York City Domestic Violence Fatality Review Committee, 2016, which was established through Local Law 61 of 2005. The FRC reviewed aggregate data obtained from the NYPD regarding domestic violence-related homicides that occurred between 2010 and 2015.
Cases of sexually transmitted diseases—chlamydia, gonorrhea, and (primary and secondary) syphilis—have reached their highest reported levels in 30 years in NYC and record levels nationwide.
The city’s diminishing stock of rent-stabilized apartments is highly sought after by prospective tenants because these regulated units often rent at below-market rates and offer a variety of tenant protections including the right to lease renewal.
The number of hospitalizations at public and voluntary hospitals in New York City has been declining for some time, falling from 1.3 million hospitalizations in 2009 to 1.1 million in 2014.
The number of inmates in New York State prisons reached a peak of over 71,000 as the 1990s turned to the 2000s, and then fell to 51,743 in January 2016.
As of June, the Department of Education had 131,199 full-time employees. More than 119,000 served in jobs under the broad classification of pedagogues, which includes roles such as principals, assistant principals, teachers, and teaching assistants also known as paraprofessionals.
This report summarizes data on treatment for opioid use disorders among NYC residents, including demographic characteristics of those receiving methadone and buprenorphine treatment.
The Annual Report of the New York City Domestic Violence Fatality Review Committee, 2017, which was established through Local Law 61 of 2005. The FRC reviewed aggregate data obtained from the NYPD regarding domestic violence-related homicides that occurred between 2010 and 2016
Vital Statistics data on pregnancies among 15- to 19-year-olds and Youth Risk Behavior Survey data on sexual activity and contraceptive use among high school students are detailed in this brief.
The New York City Community Air Survey: Neighborhood Air Quality 2008-2016 report fulfills the reporting requirement of Local Law 103 of 2015 which requires that the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene conduct community air quality surveys and publish the results annually.
Pursuant to Local Law 115 of 2005 governing the formation and activities of the New York City Child Fatality Review Advisory Team, this report summarizes injury deaths among children in New York City.
In 2015,552 suicides were reported in New York City (NYC); approximately two-thirds occurred among males and one-third among females. While the suicide rate among males has been consistently and markedly higher than among females, the gap has narrowed in recent years due to an increase among females
Data Brief contains count the number of intimate partner homicides and homicide-suicides that occurred in New York City from 2010- 2017 and provides demographic and location information in aggregate. Also includes suicide and domestic violence hotline and resource information.
Over the past two decades, the state has been moving recipients into managed care plans
with the goals of providing better health care and reducing costs.
This report by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene examines trends, demographic characteristics, and methods of suicide among males.
TheNew York City Community Air Survey (NYCCAS) is the largest ongoing urban air monitoring program of any U.S. city. NYCCAS is a collaboration between the Health Department and Queens College of the City University of New York and tracks changes in air quality over time.
IBO has analyzed data for apartments registered with preferential rents from 2010 through 2017 to quantify their prevalence and their relationship to tenant stability.
The Annual Report of the New York City Domestic Violence Fatality Review Committee, 2019, which was established through Local Law 61 of 2005. The FRC reviewed aggregate data obtained from the NYPD regarding family-related homicides that occurred between 2010 and 2018.
Have inspections for rats by the health department’s Bureau of Veterinary and Pest Control Services been increasing? We track changes in the number of initial inspections citywide and by borough.
This report summarizes NYC construction deaths by worker characteristics and circumstances of injury. Falls accounted for 60% of fatal construction injuries. Older workers and those w/lower education levels were disproportionately fatally injured.
List of Accessory Sign Violations Issued from June 1, 2006 to February 9, 2019 from buildings in the boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx and Staten Island, indicating the type of violation with a Standard Description of Section of Law.
Are children born later in the year more likely to be identified as students with disabilities than children born in earlier months? Amy Zimmer of Chalkbeat asked and IBO explored the data.
This report focuses on the 47 intimate partner homicide-suicide cases that occurred in New York City between 2010-2018. It provides demographic, geographical and agency contact data and relationship circumstances prior to the incident.
An overview of the foreign-born client population at the New York City Family Justice Centers (FJCs) between 2010-2019, and how we tailor our community engagement and service provision. The FJCs offer social, criminal justice and legal services to gender-based violence survivors.
A report which highlights current economic conditions pertinent to New York City. The report focuses on the state of the U.S. Economy, financial markets, inflation, New York City labor markets and commercial and residential real estate. (August 2020)
The Annual Report of the New York City Domestic Violence Fatality Review Committee, 2020, which was established through Local Law 61 of 2005. The FRC reviewed aggregate data obtained from the NYPD regarding family-related homicides that occurred between 2010 and 2019.
A report which highlights current economic conditions pertinent to New York City. The report focuses on the state of the U.S. Economy, financial markets, inflation, New York City labor markets and commercial and residential real estate. (December 2020)
This revised biennial Compliance Report dated Feb 2012, submitted in accordance with the provisions of NYCRR Title 6 Part 360-15.12, provides information on the City's progress in implementing its approved Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan (SWMP).
Suicide rates in NYC remained stable, overall, from 2010 to 2019; individuals 45 to 64 years of age had the highest rate of suicide in the city; White NYers had the highest suicide rate; the greatest increase was among Black female NYers.
This report provides a statistical overview of the 673 domestic violence homicide incidents involving 721 victims that occurred in New York City from 2010 through 2020.
A report which highlights current economic conditions pertinent to New York City. The report focuses on the state of the U.S. Economy, financial markets, inflation, New York City labor markets and commercial and residential real estate. (December 2021)
The study used administrative data collected by the NYC Department of Education (DOE) and the NYC Administration for Children Services (ACS) to determine graduation rates of over 11,000 youth who spent time in foster care during their high school years 2005 through 2019.
The objective of the audit was to determine whether JCDecaux accurately reported its advertising revenue to the City and remitted timely payments, both monetary and in non-monetary “alternative compensation,” due to the City as stipulated in the agreement.
This audit was performed to assess the New York City Department of Transportation’s (DOT’s) procurement of the Brooklyn Bridge Rehabilitation of Approach Spans and Ramps and Painting of the Entire Bridge contract (Contract No. 20100016889 or Contract No. 6) ...
This report proposes the State adopt legislation that creates a new “Basement Resident Protection Law” to provide immediate physical and tenant protections to New Yorkers living in basement units, with clear rights and responsibilities for basement owners and dwellers...
The NYC Domestic Violence Fatality Review Committee (FRC) was established through Local Law 61, in June 2005. Annually, the Committee reviews and analyzes domest-related homicide data to gain an understanding of the circumstances surrounding the occurrence of these crimes and to ascertain the level.
The NYC Domestic Violence Fatality Review Committee (FRC) was established through Local Law 61, in June 2005. Annually, the FRC reviews and analyzes domestic-related homicide data to gain an understanding of the circumstances surrounding the occurrence of these crimes.