Audit, analysis and evaluation of the Queens County Public Administrator's employment practices and procedures and its efforts to ensure fair and effective equal employment opportunities for employees and applicants seeking employment.
Press Release: The New York City Department for the Aging (DFTA) and fintech company SilverBills have partnered to expand DFTA's Bill Payer Program. This innovative partnership will help even more seniors quickly process bill payments.
First Lady Chirlane McCray, Department for the Aging (DFTA) acting Commissioner Caryn Resnick, and Senior Advisor to the Mayor and head of the Office of ThriveNYC Susan Herman announced today a $1.7 million expansion of mental health through the ThriveNYC DFTA Geriatric Mental Health Initiative.
Press release announcing Providing Options to Elderly Clients Together' Clinical Service. The New York City Department for the Aging (DFTA) and the Mayor's Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence (ENDGBV) announce the launch of Providing Options to Elderly Clients Together (PROTECT). The collaboration connects older adults who are victims of elder abuse with mental health clinicians from Weill Cornell Institute of Geriatric Psychiatry.
The New York City Department for the Aging (DFTA), Mayor's Office of ThriveNYC, nonprofit Services Now for Adult Persons, and nonprofit Citymeals held a recognition reception for Friendly Visiting Program volunteers who visit isolated older adults in Queens.
The New York City Department for the Aging's (DFTA) Annual Plan Summary provides a valuable opportunity for DFTA to annually share its goals, objectives and program planning with the aging network.
This report is a response to Local Law 97 of 2016, which requires the New York City
Department for the Aging (DFTA) to develop and conduct a survey of unpaid caregivers, create a comprehensive plan that addresses the needs of unpaid caregivers, and to report on the plan's progress.
The New York City Department for the Aging (DFTA) on Friday held its 18th annual senior employment job fair to help lower-income older New Yorkers rejoin the workforce.
Starting next week, the City’s older adults, their caregivers, and nonprofit providers of community services will have the opportunity to voice concerns and suggestions to the New York City Department for the Aging (DFTA) during DFTA’s Annual Plan Summary hearings in each borough.
DFTA has crafted “Plan 2025”, which lays out a blueprint for adding new services, and making
enhancements to or transforming existing services, to respond to the needs of the burgeoning
population of older people.
List of Accessory Sign Violations Issued from June 1, 2006 to February 9, 2019 from buildings in the boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx and Staten Island, indicating the type of violation with a Standard Description of Section of Law.
Voting, especially in local elections, is one of the best ways for you to make a difference on the issues
you care about. The people we elect make decisions that affect our neighborhoods, schools, jobs, and
quality of life every day. This guide can help!
NYC Votes is the nonpartisan voter engagement initiative of the New York City Campaign Finance Board (CFB). NYC Votes engages all city voters through voter education and registration, youth programs, and advocacy with the Vote Better NY campaign, which promotes election reforms for the state of New
This Voter Guide is produced by the New York City Campaign Finance Board (CFB) to help city voters make informed choices at the polls. For every regularly scheduled city primary and general election, the CFB creates and mails a Guide to every registered city voter.
This Voter Guide is produced by the New York City Campaign Finance Board (CFB) to help city voters make informed choices at the polls. For every regularly scheduled city primary and general election, the CFB creates and mails a Guide to every registered city voter.
This Voter Guide is produced by the New York City Campaign Finance Board (CFB) to help city voters make informed choices at the polls. For every regularly scheduled city primary and general election, the CFB creates and mails a Guide to every registered city voter.
This Voter Guide is produced by the New York City Campaign Finance Board (CFB) to help city voters make informed choices at the polls. For every regularly scheduled city primary and general election, the CFB creates and mails a Guide to every registered city voter.
The Voter Guide is produced by the New York City Campaign Finance Board (CFB) to help city voters make informed choices at the polls. For every regularly scheduled city election, the CFB creates and mails a Guide to every registered city voter.
Welcome to your 2019 NYC Voter Guide! This is your chance to make an impact on your community, neighborhood, and city. Read this Guide for information about your candidates, including candidates for New York City’s next public advocate, how to vote, and more.
The Voter Guide is produced by the New York City Campaign Finance Board (CFB) to help voters like you make informed choices at the polls. For every regularly scheduled city election, we create and mail a guide to every registered voter in New York City.
This Guide contains information about each candidate’s background and platform so you can cast an informed vote. Candidate profiles start on page 4. It also covers this year’s state ballot proposals on pages 18-19 (for expanded coverage, visit the online Guide at
This Guide contains information about each candidate’s background and platform so you can cast an informed vote. Candidate profiles start on page 4. It also covers this year’s state ballot proposals on pages 18-19 (for expanded coverage, visit the online Guide at
This Guide contains information about each candidate’s background and platform so you can cast an informed vote. Candidate profiles start on page 4. You will receive another Guide this fall covering ballot proposals and candidates running in the November 5th General Election.
This Guide contains information about each candidate’s background and platform so you can cast an informed vote. Candidate profiles start on page 4. You will receive another Guide this fall covering ballot proposals and candidates running in the November 5th General Election.
Our annual report for this year contains several widely supported, common-sense proposals to finally bring our election laws into the 21st century. The report also details the important work of the Campaign Finance Board and its Voter Assistance Unit.
NYC Votes is the voter engagement campaign of the New York City Campaign Finance Board (CFB). Under the NYC Votes banner, the CFB conducts voter registration drives and events, educates voters about their choices, and works to engage New Yorkers in civic life.
Evidence shows a cohort effect of baby boomers born between 1955 and 1965 who have disproportionate homelessness risk. Older homeless adults have medical needs exceeding their biological ages. The report forecasts the homeless population in NYC, projects potential costs and suggests interventions.
In the matter of an application submitted by 241-15 Northern LLC and North Shore Realty Group Corp., pursuant to Section 201 of the NYC Charter, for an amendment of the Zoning Resolution of the New York City modifying APPENDIX F for the purpose of establishing a Mandatory Inclusionary Housing area.
In the matter of an application filed by CPEOA Limited Partnership and Mattone Group Retail LLC, pursuant to Sections 197-c and 201 of the NYC Charter for the grant of a special permit pursuant to Section 74-922 of the Zoning Resolution to allow large retail establishment with no limitation on FAR
Amended Public Comment Version. The Consolidated Plan One-Year Action Plan is the City of New York's annual application to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the four Office of Community Planning and Development entitlement programs: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), respectively.
The addendum to the 2018 Consolidated Plan Action Plan amends the previous Action Plan to add three new Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funded programs –Accessibility Improvements in City Schools, Day Care Center Environmental Health Improvements; and, Inspections in City Shelters. Funding for these new programs is the result of the use of $162 million in CDBG program income monies received from the sale of a property in a federal Urban Renewal Area. This amendment will also reflect budget increases resulting from the addition of this program income to seven existing programs.
The addendum consists of one volume containing the specific portions of the Plan impacted by the revisions to the CDBG Program. The document was released for its federally required 30-day public comment period on February 7, 2019 and ends on March 8, 2019.
In the matter of an application submitted by Cohancy Realty for an amendment of the Zoning Map, Section No.18b, establishing within an existing R3X District a C2-2 District bounded by Cohancy St, a line 190 feet northerly of North Conduit Avenue, the northeasterly boundary, North Conduit Avenue...
In the matter of an application submitted by Auberge Grand Central LLC pursuant to Sect's 197-c, 201, NYC Charter for an amendment of the Zoning Map, Sect No. 14a to 1) change from an R1-2A District to an R7A District property; 2) change from an R1-2A District to an R7X District. (N190448 ZRQ rel.)
In the matter of an application submitted by Auberge Grand Central, LLC, pursuant to Section 201 of the NYC Charter, for an amendment of the NYC Zoning Resolution, modifying Appendix F for the purpose of establishing a Mandatory Inclusionary Housing area.
In the matter of a Notice of Intent to acquire office space submitted by the Department of Citywide Administrative Services, pursuant to Section 195 of the NYC Charter for use of property located at 31-89 123rd Street (Block 4392, Lot 25), Taxi & Limousine Commission offices.
In the matter of an application submitted by Ashley Young LLC and John Young Associates LLC pursuant to Sections 197-c and 201 of the NYC Charter for an amendment of the Zoning Map, Section No.9b: changing from an R5 District to an R6B District property; changing from a C8-1 District to an R6B etc.
In the matter of an application submitted by Ashley Young LLC and John Young Associates LLC pursuant to Section 201 of NYC Charter, for an amendment of the NYC Zoning Resolution modifying Appendix F for the purpose of establishing a Mandatory Inclusionary Housing area.
In the matter of an application submitted by 27-11 49th Avenue Realty LLC pursuant to Section 201 of the NYC Charter, for an amendment of the NYC Zoning Resolution, to expand the qualifications for enlargement in Article IV, Chapter 3 (Manufacturing District Regulations - Bulk Regulations).
In the matter of an application submitted by Court Square 45th Ave LLC, pursuant to Section 201 of the NYC Charter, for an amendment of the NYC Zoning Resolution, modifying Article XI, Charter 7 (Special Long Island City Mixed Use District) Special bulk regulations - height and setback.
In the matter of an application submitted by the Department of City Planning pursuant to Section 201 of the NYC Charter for an amendment of Article II, Chapter 3 and related provisions of the NYC Zoning Resolution, to require certain mechanical spaces to be calculated as residential floor area.
In the matter of an application submitted by Kimco Kissena Center LLC, pursuant to Sections 197-c and 201 of the NYC Charter, for a Zoning Map Amendment Section 10d to eliminate a C2-2 District within an R3-2 District, changing from an R3-2 District to an R7A District and establishing a C2-3 Distric
In the matter of an application submitted by Kimco Kissena Center LLC, pursuant to Section 201 of the NYC Charter, for an amendment of the NYC Zoning Resolution, modifying APPENDIX F for the purpose of establishing a Mandatory Inclusionary Housing area.
In the matter of an application submitted by Able Orthopedic & Sports Medicine, PC, pursuant to Sections 197-c and 201 of the NYC Charter, for an amendment of the Zoning Map, Section No. 14b, changing from an R2 District to an R3-2 District property bounded by 76th Drive and Austin Street et al.
In the matter of an application submitted by 23rd Avenue Realty pursuant to Sections 197-c and 201 of the NYC Charter for an amendment of the Zoning Map Section No. 9c establishing a C2-3 District within the existing R5B District, and, within the existing R5D District, a C2-3 District etc.
In the matter of an application submitted by the NYC Department of Transportation pursuant to Section 5-430 et seq. of the NYC Administrative Code for an amendment to the City Map involving the elimination and closing of a southerly portion of North Conduit Avenue from Francis Lewis Blvd. etc.
In the matter of an application submitted by Jughandle Realty LLC and NYC Economic Development Corp. pursuant to Sections 197-c and 199 of the NYC Charter for an amendment to the City Map involving the elimination, narrowing and realignment of the Nassau Expressway south street line of Rockaway Blvd
In the matter of an application submitted by Queens Community Board 8, pursuant to Sections 197-c and 201 of the New York City Charter, for a Zoning Map amendment to Section Nos. 14a and 14c, changing from an R2 District to a R2X District property and Zoning text amendment permitting the R2X mapping
In the matter of an application submitted by Queens Community Board 8, pursuant to Section 201 of the NYC Charter, for a zoning text amendment of Article II, Chapter 1 (Statement of Legislative Intent) of the NYC Zoning Resolution permitting the R2X Residence District to be mapped.
In the matter of an application submitted by the Department of Small Business Services on behalf of the Downtown Flushing Business Improvement District pursuant to Section 25-405(a) of Chapter 4 of Title 25 of the Administrative Code of New York City, as amended, concerning amending the Downtown etc