Special Permit (73-622) for the enlargement of an existing single family home, contrary to floor area and open space (23-141); side yards (23-461) and less than the required rear yard (23-47). R2 zoning district.
Special Permit (§73-36) to permit the operation of a physical culture establishment (Live Well) on the first floor of the existing building, located within C6-3A & C6-2A zoning districts in a historic district.
MDL 171 & 435 to allow for a partial one-story vertical enlargement (Penthouse) of the existing 3 story and basement building located on the site. Pursuant to the 310 MDL. R8 zoning district.
Special Permit (§73-36) to permit the operation of a physical culture establishment (Bowery CrossFit) in the cellar of an existing building. C6-1G zoning district.
Extension of Term of a previously approved variance permitting the operation of a Real Estate office and accessory parking which will expire on July 24, 2014. R2 zoning district.
Variance (§72-21) to permit the construction of a new hotel building with ground floor retail contrary to allowable commercial floor area (ZR 33-122) located within C6-1/R6B District in the Downtown Brooklyn Special District.
Special Permit (§73-42) to extend the conforming Use Group 6 restaurant use located partially within a C4-2A zoning district into the adjacent R5B zoning district.
Proposed construction of three two story dwellings with parking garages located within the bed of a mapped street, contrary to General City Law Section 35. R3-1 zoning district.
Proposed construction of three two story dwellings with parking garages located within the bed of a mapped street, contrary to General City Law Section 35. R3-1 zoning district.
Proposed construction of three two story dwellings with parking garages located within the bed of a mapped street, contrary to General City Law Section 35. R3-1 zoning district.