Monthly statistics regarding utilization of and applications for multi-agency emergency housing assistance, exits from city-administered facilities and the financings, starts and completions of permanent housing for those exiting city-administered facilities as required by Local Law 79 of 2022.
Report of multiple agencies relating to use of emergency housing assistance, including total utilization, application and entrance data, exits from emergency housing, and financing and construction information on supportive housing information
Report compiling the mayoral agencies' reports on implementation for agencies covered by the city's agency-based voter registration law, which requires nineteen agencies to distribute voter registration forms to individuals who are applying for, renewing, or submitting a change of address
Report compiling the mayoral agencies' reports on implementation for agencies covered by the city's agency-based voter registration law, which requires nineteen agencies to distribute voter registration forms to individuals who are applying for, renewing, or submitting a change of address.
List of commitments, including any changes to information described in subdivision e that indicate progress toward the fulfillment of each such commitment and whether the commitment has been completed within the preceding year
Monthly statistics regarding utilization of and applications for multi-agency emergency housing assistance, exits from city-administered facilities and the financings, starts and completions of permanent housing for those exiting city-administered facilities as required by Local Law 79 of 2022.
Report of multiple agencies relating to use of emergency housing assistance, including total utilization, application and entrance data, exits from emergency housing, and financing and construction information on supportive housing information
Standardized customer service training curriculum to be used, to the extent practicable, by relevant agencies for training agency inspectors. After 2013, report shall provide any substantive changes to the standardized customer service training curriculum and shall report the number of agency inspector training programs that were reviewed and the number of such programs that were certified by the office of operations during the prior year
Report of multiple agencies relating to use of emergency housing assistance, including total utilization, application and entrance data, exits from emergency housing, and financing and construction information on supportive housing information
Monthly statistics regarding utilization of and applications for multi-agency emergency housing assistance, exits from city-administered facilities and the financings, starts and completions of permanent housing for those exiting city-administered facilities as required by Local Law 79 of 2022.
Report of multiple agencies relating to use of emergency housing assistance, including total utilization, application and entrance data, exits from emergency housing, and financing and construction information on supportive housing information
A report relating to outcomes of programs administered by or on behalf of the city, or funded in whole or in part by the city, that provide services to public housing residents
A report relating to outcomes of programs administered by or on behalf of the city, or funded in whole or in part by the city, that provide services to public housing residents
Monthly statistics regarding utilization of and applications for multi-agency emergency housing assistance, exits from city-administered facilities and the financings, starts and completions of permanent housing for those exiting city-administered facilities as required by Local Law 79 of 2022.
Data for the prior fiscal year including annual survey results on language and ancestry , multi-racial ancestry and ethnic origin, and gender identity or sexual orientation including but not limited to the total number of individuals who have identified their ancestry or languages spoken on the survey form described in paragraph 1 of subdivision (i) and any forms updated pursuant to paragraph 4 of subdivision (i), disaggregated by response option, agency and program, and the total number of individuals who have identified their sexual orientation or gender identity on the survey form described in paragraph 1 of subdivision (j) and any forms updated pursuant to paragraph 4 of subdivision (j), disaggregated by response option, agency and program.
All commitments made by letter by the mayor or a representative designated by the mayor to the council or a council member that relate to an application described in subdivision b of this section on which the city or a not-for-profit corporation of which a majority of its members are appointed by the mayor is either the applicant or co-applicant.
Report of multiple agencies relating to use of emergency housing assistance, including total utilization, application and entrance data, exits from emergency housing, and financing and construction information on supportive housing information
Monthly statistics regarding utilization of and applications for multi-agency emergency housing assistance, exits from city-administered facilities and the financings, starts and completions of permanent housing for those exiting city-administered facilities as required by Local Law 79 of 2022.
Local Law 23 requires the Mayor’s Office of Operations to collect and report specified data from a certain set of agencies that provide services to veterans, by category of benefit available to veterans and by veterans’ borough of residence.
Report of multiple agencies relating to use of emergency housing assistance, including total utilization, application and entrance data, exits from emergency housing, and financing and construction information on supportive housing information
Monthly statistics regarding utilization of and applications for multi-agency emergency housing assistance, exits from city-administered facilities and the financings, starts and completions of permanent housing for those exiting city-administered facilities as required by Local Law 79 of 2022.
Report of multiple agencies relating to use of emergency housing assistance, including total utilization, application and entrance data, exits from emergency housing, and financing and construction information on supportive housing information
Monthly statistics regarding utilization of and applications for multi-agency emergency housing assistance, exits from city-administered facilities and the financings, starts and completions of permanent housing for those exiting city-administered facilities as required by Local Law 79 of 2022.
Report shall include, but not be limited to: (i) the total number of buses purchased by the city in the preceding fiscal year; and (ii) the number of such buses that are alternative fuel buses, disaggregated according to agency, bus model and type of alternative fuel used. With Environmental Protection, Department of (DEP) and Citywide Administrative Services, Department of (DCAS)
Report compiling the mayoral agencies' reports on implementation for agencies covered by the city's agency-based voter registration law, which requires nineteen agencies to distribute voter registration forms to individuals who are applying for, renewing, or submitting a change of address.
Report of multiple agencies relating to use of emergency housing assistance, including total utilization, application and entrance data, exits from emergency housing, and financing and construction information on supportive housing information
Monthly statistics regarding utilization of and applications for multi-agency emergency housing assistance, exits from city-administered facilities and the financings, starts and completions of permanent housing for those exiting city-administered facilities as required by Local Law 79 of 2022.
The PMMR provides an early update of how the City is performing four months into the fiscal year. The full-fiscal MMR, published each September, looks retrospectively at the City's performance during the prior fiscal year.
Report shall include, but not be limited to: (i) the total number of buses purchased by the city in the preceding fiscal year; and (ii) the number of such buses that are alternative fuel buses, disaggregated according to agency, bus model and type of alternative fuel used.
Report on implementation of requirements of the section, including an evaluation of the quality of services delivered to community districts and recommendations
Monthly statistics regarding utilization of and applications for multi-agency emergency housing assistance, exits from city-administered facilities and the financings, starts and completions of permanent housing for those exiting city-administered facilities as required by Local Law 79 of 2022.
A report relating to outcomes of programs administered by or on behalf of the city, or funded in whole or in part by the city, that provide services to public housing residents.
Monthly statistics regarding utilization of and applications for multi-agency emergency housing assistance, exits from city-administered facilities and the financings, starts and completions of permanent housing for those exiting city-administered facilities as required by Local Law 79 of 2022
Monthly statistics regarding utilization of and applications for multi-agency emergency housing assistance, exits from city-administered facilities and the financings, starts and completions of permanent housing for those exiting city-administered facilities as required by Local Law 79 of 2022.
Monthly statistics regarding utilization of and applications for multi-agency emergency housing assistance, exits from city-administered facilities and the financings, starts and completions of permanent housing for those exiting city-administered facilities as required by Local Law 79 of 2022 amend
The Mayor's Management Report (MMR), which is mandated by the City Charter, serves as a public account of the performance of City agencies, measuring whether they are delivering services efficiently, effectively and expeditiously. The MMR is released twice a year.
The Mayor's Management Report (MMR), which is mandated by the City Charter, serves as a public account of the performance of City agencies, measuring whether they are delivering services efficiently, effectively and expeditiously. The MMR is released twice a year.
Report compiling the mayoral agencies' reports on implementation for agencies covered by the city's agency-based voter registration law, which requires nineteen agencies to distribute voter registration forms to individuals who are applying for, renewing, or submitting a change of address
Report compiling the mayoral agencies' reports on implementation for agencies covered by the city's agency-based voter registration law, which requires nineteen agencies to distribute voter registration forms to individuals who are applying for, renewing, or submitting a change of address.
Monthly statistics regarding utilization of and applications for multi-agency emergency housing assistance, exits from city-administered facilities and the financings, starts and completions of permanent housing for those exiting city-administered facilities as required by Local Law 79 of 2022 amend
List of commitments, including any changes to information described in subdivision e that indicate progress toward the fulfillment of each such commitment and whether the commitment has been completed within the preceding year
All commitments made by letter by the mayor or a representative designated by the mayor to the council or a council member that relate to an application described in subdivision b of this section on which the city or a not-for-profit corporation of which a majority of its members are appointed by the mayor is either the applicant or co-applicant.
All commitments made by letter by the mayor or a representative designated by the mayor to the council or a council member that relate to an application described in subdivision b of this section on which the city or a not-for-profit corporation of which a majority of its members are appointed by the mayor is either the applicant or co-applicant.
All commitments made by letter by the mayor or a representative designated by the mayor to the council or a council member that relate to an application described in subdivision b of this section on which the city or a not-for-profit corporation of which a majority of its members are appointed by the mayor is either the applicant or co-applicant.
Monthly statistics regarding utilization of and applications for multi-agency emergency housing assistance, exits from city-administered facilities and the financings, starts and completions of permanent housing for those exiting city-administered facilities as required by Local Law 79 of 2022 amend
Standardized customer service training curriculum to be used, to the extent practicable, by relevant agencies for training agency inspectors. After 2013, report shall provide any substantive changes to the standardized customer service training curriculum and shall report the number of agency inspector training programs that were reviewed and the number of such programs that were certified by the office of operations during the prior year