This audit found that EDC did not disclose over $224 million in expenditures as ferry-related in its audited financial statements and that EDC understated the City’s subsidy for the ferry operations by $2.08, $2.10, $3.98 and $4.29 for Fiscal Years 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021, respectively.
This audit was performed to assess the New York City Department of Transportation’s (DOT’s) procurement of the Brooklyn Bridge Rehabilitation of Approach Spans and Ramps and Painting of the Entire Bridge contract (Contract No. 20100016889 or Contract No. 6) ...
The objective of the audit was to determine whether JCDecaux accurately reported its advertising revenue to the City and remitted timely payments, both monetary and in non-monetary “alternative compensation,” due to the City as stipulated in the agreement.
Since the moment COVID-19 arrived in New York City, the burden of the pandemic’s many challenges have fallen heaviest on women, especially women of color.
“Coverage for All” (A880A/S1572A) would create a state-funded Essential Plan for all New Yorkers up to 200% of the federal poverty level (FPL) who are excluded due to immigration status.
The New York City Comptroller’s Office conducted of the Office of School Health’s (OSH) Management of Contract Nursing Assignments, including recommendations to identify all instances of past overbilling and overpayment and recoup any overpayments.
This report examines and measures the impact of rising residential property taxes on New York City households over the 2005 -2016 period, providing a detailed analysis of how property tax increases have affected households at different levels of the income distribution.
Audit Report on the New York City Department of Education to determine whether it has adequate controls in place to ensure that violent and disruptive incidents that occur at public schools attended by middle and high school students are accurately reported according to requirements
This report presents a review of current data related to school safety in New York City, and from that data draws a series of holistic recommendations on how to make City schools healthier and more secure.
This report aims to analyze the length of time it took to register a City contract in Fiscal Year 2017, and in particular, to take a closer look at the prevalence of contracts being registered after the start date of the contract has passed.
2016 edition of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Services Guide – the most comprehensive directory of LGBTQ resources and programs in New York City.
The Comptroller’s Office is charged with a number of New York City Charter (Charter) mandated responsibilities intended to safeguard the City’s financial health, including contract registration.