In compliance with Local Law 146 of 2016, ACS conducts an annual survey of all youth in foster care age 13 and older, regarding their experiences in foster care. ACS submits this report with findings from the survey to the New York City Council.
In compliance with Local Law 11 passed by the New York City Council in 2018, ACS submits quarterly reports on preventive services utilization to the Council.
In compliance with Local Law 44 of 2013 passed by the New York City Council, ACS posts quarterly and annual Incident Reports for Detention, Non-Secure Placement and Limited Secure Placement.
In compliance with Local Law 44 of 2013 passed by the New York City Council, ACS posts quarterly and annual Incident Reports for Detention, Non-Secure Placement and Limited Secure Placement.
In compliance with Local Law 41 passed by the New York City Council in 2016, ACS and DYCD submit a yearly report to the Council regarding youth who are in contact with DYCD’s Runaway and Homeless Youth services or ACS, and who self-report, are referred as or later identified to be sexually exploited